Start a SmartPost process using a script
You can start a SmartPost process by calling the Process service and posting arguments in JSON format. You can use the following parameters:
Name | Description | Example |
Cred |
Credentials of the WorkZone used to invoke the request. If is not supplied, the user is prompted for credentials. |
WzUrl |
The main URL to WorkZone. |
http://db01 |
WzODataUrl |
The sub URL to the OData site under WorkZone The default value is 'OData'. |
'OData' |
FileKey |
The FileKey of the case to run the SmartPost from |
932835 |
Title |
The title of the SmartPost process started, This is the title shown in the Processes overview. If the title is not supplied, the title of the document is used. |
DefinitionId |
The unique ID (GUID) of the SmartPost process to use. The default value is '23b9498e-bca5-4746-98a0-71e03cd6963c'. | |
Description |
Optional argument. Used to supply a description for the SmartPost process. |
Deadline |
If a SmartPost message is sent for preview or approval, a deadline can be set. If the deadline for the preview or approval is exceeded, a reminder is sent to the previewer or approver. This argument defines the deadline. The default value is 'tomorrow'. |
Subject |
The subject is the title of the message that is handed over to the dispatcher. When sending to e-Boks, the subject is the title of the message shown to the end user. If the subject argument is not supplied the Title will be used. |
RecordID |
The RecordID of the document to send. The argument is mandatory. |
AttachmentRecordIds |
Contains the recordid's of the attachments. The attached documents must exist in the WorkZone database. |
IsApproval |
Switch parameter. This argument indicates that the dispatch will be forwarded to the case handler for approval. |
IsDeleteOriginal |
Switch parameter. If supplied, the original document is deleted after dispatch is done. |
Ispreview |
Switch parameter. This argument indicates that the messege is sent to the process owner for preview before the dispatch continues. |
RecipientAddressKeys |
Addresskeys of the recipients. At least one must be specified. |
CopyRecipientAddressKeys |
Addresskeys of the copy recipients. |
DispatcherSequenceId |
The ID of the dispatcher sequence used for dispathing the document. The argument is mandatory. |
CloseCase |
A switch parameter. If supplied, the case will be closed after dispatch. |
OpenCase |
A switch parameter. If supplied and the case is closed, it will be opened before starting the SmartPost process. |
CaseState |
The new state of the case, which is applied after the dispatch is done. If not supplied, the state of the case remains unchanged. It must be a legal value in Custom domain 'SAGTILST'. |
Access |
Sets an access restriction on the SmartPost process. It must be a legal AccessCode. If the argument is not supplied, the default access code configured for the process is used. |
Importance | Argument used to set the priority of the SmartPost process. The possible values are '1-HIGH', '2-NORMAL' and '3-LOW'. The Default value is '2-NORMAL'. | |
CustomDispatcherParameters | This parameter can be used for supplying dispatcher specific parameters as a Hashtable. | |
MaterialId | The e-Boks material ID to use for the dispatch. The parameter is only used when using an e-Boks dispatcher and in this case, the argument is mandatory. | |
RemotePrintTypeId | The PrintTypeID for the dispatch. The parameter is only used when using a remote print dispatcher and in this case, the argument is mandatory. |
.\Send-SmartPost.ps1 -WzUrl http://xe -FileKey 221 -Title "Test title" -RecordId 240 -RecipientAddressKeys 301 -DispatcherSequenceId 70
Below is an sample PowerShell script:
[PSCredential]$Cred=(Get-Credential -Message "Workzone user login"),
Function Start-WzpProcess
[PSCredential]$Cred=(Get-ScriptCredential ),
[string]$WzUrl=(Get-ModuleVar -Name "WzUrl"),
[string]$Uri = "$($WzUrl)/Process/Process.svc/Processes/${EntityType}/${EntityId}?uniqparam=${UniqParam}"
Subject=$Subject} | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 10
$Result = Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $Uri -Body $Body -Method Post -Credential $Cred
return $Result.Content
if (![string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($MaterialId)) {$CustomDispatcherParameters.MaterialId = $MaterialId}
if (![string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($MaterialId)) {$CustomDispatcherParameters.RemotePrintTypeId = $RemotePrintTypeId }
CustomDispatcherParameters=@{Name="CustomDispatcherParameters";Type="System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary``2[[System.String, mscorlib, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089],[System.Object, mscorlib, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089]], mscorlib, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089";Value=$CustomDispatcherParameters};
Start-WzpProcess -EntityId $FileKey -DefinitionId $DefinitionId -Title $Title -Description $Description -Subject $Subject -Properties $Properties -Importance $Importance -Cred $cred -WzUrl $WzUrl -Acces $Access