Configure WorkZone for Office server

You can configure the behavior and appearance of WorkZone for Office by changing the server settings. For example, you can change the default values by overriding the values in the server configuration.

Configurable elements

Vigtigt: You can also configure most of these elements in WorkZone Configurator. See Outlook configuration.


Default value


RecordTypes - Incoming I

Defines the value used for the record_type field on saved emails.

The value of Incoming is the record_type field that is used when saving a received email. Valid values of Incoming and Outgoing are values from the domain on the record_type field (custom_domain with the domain parameter ‘AT’).

RecordTypes - Outgoing U

Defines the values used for the record_type field on saved emails.
The value of Outgoing is the record_type field that is used when saving an email which is sent or going to be sent. Also, this value is automatically set for reply documents. In a standard configuration, the Document Type for reply documents is U, Outgoing.
Valid values of Incoming and Outgoing are values from the domain on the record_type field (custom_domain with domain parameter ‘AT’).

PartyRoleKeys - Sender Afsender

Defines the values used for the sender, recipient, and Cc recipient roles on archived emails.
Valid values of the Sender, Recipient, and CcRecipient roles are values from the domain on the party:custom_label field in the record register (custom_label with domain parameter ‘AP’).

PartyRoleKeys - Recipient Modtager

Defines the values used for the sender, recipient, and Cc recipient roles on archived emails.
Valid values of the Sender, Recipient, and CcRecipient roles are values from the domain on the party:custom_label field in the record register (custom_label with domain parameter ‘AP’).

PartyRoleKeys - CcRecipient Kopimodt

Defines the values used for the sender, recipient, and Cc recipient roles on archived emails.
Valid values of the Sender, Recipient, and CcRecipientroles are values from the domain on the party:custom_label field in the record register (custom_label with domain parameter ‘AP’).

PartyRoleKeys - CaseParty Sagspart

Defines the values used for the sender, recipient, and Cc recipient roles on archived emails.
Valid values of the Sender, Recipient, and CcRecipientroles are values from the domain on the party:custom_label field in the record register (custom_label with domain parameter ‘AP’).

DocumentRefRoleKeys - Reply Besvarer

Defines the value used for the role of document references that is created when replying to an archived email.
Valid value of Replyis the value from the domain on the appendix:role field in the record register (custom_label with domain parameter ‘AA’).

ContactTypes - Company A;F;I;U;K

Defines the list of contact types which should be considered as organizational units during an automatic mapping of personal senders to organizational units.

AutoCreateMissingContact True

Defines whether the system should create contacts from the email sender, recipient, and Copy fields if the contacts do not exist.

SuggestAnyContactWhenSavingEmail True

Automatically adds or suggests matching organizational contacts from the contact register when you save an email from Outlook. When this setting is disabled, matching organizational contacts are not added automatically or suggested to be added.


Domain names in this list are excluded from searches for organizational contacts.

PredefinedFilters my_open_cases;
my_personal_d rafts

Defines the lists of cases or documents to be automatically added to the navigation pane in Microsoft Outlook when the user opens Outlook for the first time after installing WorkZone for Outlook.

For example, the following configuration will add the Cases & Documents folder to the navigation pane, including two subfolders:

  • Open Cases (filter name my_open_cases)
  • Drafts (filter name my_personal_drafts)
  • Find the full list of search filters in the Standard lists table.
  • RegisterSelfWhenSaveEmail False

    Defines whether the user who is about to save an Outlook item appears as a contact in the OutlookItemRegistrationDialog dialog box. The default value is False which means that the e-mail address of the user who saves an Outlook item does not appear in the dialog box as a sender or a recipient. Change the value to True to make the email address of the user who saves the Outlook item appear as a contact, including sender or recipient information.

    CheckAllUnresolvedContacts False

    By default, only contacts from the To, From, and Cc fields which are registered in the contact register are selected in the OutlookItemRegistrationDialog dialog box. When enabled, all contacts are automatically selected.

    UseCurrentUserAsCaseHandler False

    Defines who should be assigned as a case handler to an Outlook item which is about to be saved on a case. This value is used for OutlookItemRegistrationDialog only.

    • False – The case handler is inherited from the case on which the Outlook item is saved.
    • True – The case handler that is assigned to the Outlook item is the current user.
    MassRegistration -EnableEditCommonMetadata False

    Defines if common metadata values of the multiple saved Outlook items can be edited. This value is used for MultipleSavingCommonMetadataDialog only.

    • False – The common metadata values for the multiple saved Outlook items cannot be edited, and the Save Multiple Outlook Items dialog box is not displayed.
    • True – The Save Multiple Outlook Items dialog box is displayed, and the common metadata values for the multiple saved Outlook items can be edited.
    DisplayDateFormat SystemDefault

    Defines the date format for the date picker content control. The configuration of a short or long date format will apply to all users, but the exact format such as dd-mm-yy or MM-dd-yy will be defined locally by the user's regional settings.

    If the value is SystemDefault, the system date format is used. If the value is Short or Long, the short or long date format is used respectively.

    SuggestAnyContactWhenCreatingCase True

    Automatically adds or suggests matching organizational contacts from the contact register when you create a case from Outlook. When this setting is disabled, matching organizational contacts are not suggested or added automatically.

    SearchFilters – Register









    Simplifies the search process. By specifying search filters to be excluded from the search dialog box you can limit the number of search options for case and meeting. Find the full list of search filters in the Available case and meeting lists table.

    SearchFilters – Register







    Simplifies the search process. By specifying search filters to be excluded from the search dialog box you can limit the number of search options for documents. Find the full list of search filters in the Available document lists table.



    If you do not want the contacts from a specific company to be saved as parties, specify the company's email domain in the @domain format. When a user creates a new case or saves an email to a case in Outlook, contacts that belong to the specified email domain are not pre-selected for saving. The user can select them manually, if needed.



    A path to a folder that contains Word, Excel and Power Point templates. When a user creates a new document in WorkZone Client, this folder opens in the Windows Open file dialog box. There are three ways to define the path:

    • Absolute path
    • Relative path
    • UNC format

    If the path is not defined, the Office Template selection dialog box opens.



    Users assigned access codes listed here must assign at least one access code when they create a new case, document, or contact.

    Default server settings

    How to configure server settings:

    1. Locate the configuration file

      %Program Files(x86)\KMD\WorkZone\Modules\Office\Configuration\settings.xml

    2. Edit the setting.xml file and save your changes.
    3. Reload the configuration by running the following in the command prompt:
    4. %Program Files(x86)\KMD\WorkZone\Modules\Office\configurationloader.exe

      Use these parameters:

      /dbdsn=<dsn> – The name of the database to be updated.

      /dbuser=<user> – The name of the database user.

      /dbpassword=<password> – The password of the database user.

      /serveruri=<protocol>://<hostname> – The protocol and hostname for the oData service.

      /serveruser=<username@domain> – The name of a user with access to WorkZone.

      /serverpassword=<password> – The password of a user with access to WorkZone.

    Registry keys

    You can use new registry keys to fine-tune a standard behavior of WorkZone for Office according to your needs. Below, you can find the right registry path for your configuration:

    Computer\HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\ScanJour\Clients\Options - Windows 32 bit; Outlook 32 bit or Windows 64 bit; Outlook 64 bit

    Computer\HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\WOW6432Node\ScanJour\Clients\Options - Windows 64 bit; Outlook 32 bit

    Computer\HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\ScanJour\Clients\Options - To apply changes only to the current user's machine

    Search filters

    WorkZone for Office requests search lists from WorkZone Content Server. If any of the lists are not needed on a particular form, WorkZone for Office excludes it by using a specific command in the request.

    Available case and meeting lists (search filters)

    User interface name Name in code Description

    Open cases


    Your current cases.

    Cases with reminders


    Those of your cases that have reminders.

    Unit’s open cases


    Current cases that belong to your unit.

    Unit’s cases with no case handler


    Cases that belong to your unit and which are not yet assigned to a case handler.

    Cases with no case handler and unit


    Cases that belong to a temporary unit and which are not yet assigned to a case handler.

    Favorite cases


    Cases that you have added as favorites.

    Followed cases


    Cases where you have subscribed to follow updates.

    Reading list cases


    New cases that have been assigned to you.



    All your meetings.

    Meetings organized by me


    Meetings that you have organized.

    Recent cases


    The cases that you have viewed or edited most recently. The list displays up to 1000 cases.

    Unclassified cases


    Cases that belong to a temporary group. You can assign the cases to a relevant group at anytime.

    Changed cases


    Cases that you follow which have been updated recently.

    Available document lists (search filters)

    User interface name Name in code Description



    Those of your documents that have the draft or personal draft state.



    The documents that you have created today.



    All your current documents. This list does not include any closed or archived documents.

    Favorite documents


    Documents that you have added as favorites.

    Unit's documents with no case handler


    Documents that belong to your unit and which are not yet assigned to a case handler.

    Documents with no case handler and unit


    Documents that belong to a temporary unit and which are not yet assigned to a case handler.

    Followed documents


    Documents where you have subscribed to follow updates.

    Scanned today


    Documents that you have scanned today.

    Reading list documents


    New documents that have been assigned to you.

    Recent documents


    The documents that you have viewed or edited most recently. The list displays up to 1000 documents.

    Unanswered documents


    Those of your documents that have not been answered by the reply date.

    Changed documents


    Documents that you follow which have been updated recently.

    Documents with reminders


    Documents that you must reply to within 7 calendar days.