Install customizations
The XAML files are loaded using the LoadData tool which is located in :
- Program Files (x86)\ScanJour\Captia\Modules\Services –Or–
- Program Files\ScanJour\Captia\Modules\Services
For example, to load a modified Danish-language XAML for the task pane, execute the following command:
loaddata.exe /module_name="Scanjour.Services.Office" /name=WordTaskPane /culture_name=da-DK /rank=50 /default=N /file=<your file> /b=sjsysadm /a=<password for sjsysadm> /database=<dnsname for your database>
- The default value must be set to
for an English-language file and toN
for a non-English language file. - For the new XAML to take effect, you need to clear the client XAML cache.
Example of Resource String Used as XAML Label

<system:String x:Key=" LabelTitle">Title</system:String>
<system:String x:Key=" LabelDocumentType">Document type</system:String>

<Label x:Name="Title_label" Content="{StaticResource LabelTitle
}" Style="{DynamicResource LabelStyle}" />
In this way, all terms are kept together in the Resources section, and they are therefore easier to translate.
The English version of the XAML file (for example, DocumentRegistrationPane.en-GB.xaml), including the terms resources, is considered the master XAML.
When WorkZone for Office is upgraded to a new version, all cached XAML files for current user are automatically cleared upon the first start of a Microsoft Office application.
Cached XAML files are locally stored in:
To clear the cached XAML files manually, delete the Xaml
ColumnSetDefinitions are ordinary WorkZone configuration deltas and should be loaded in the usual way by using the loaddatadict.
loaddatadict /d:<dsn name for your database> /file:<your file> /name:custom_ColumnSetDef /type_rank:80 /module_rank:1020 /rank:10
This type is not suitable for very large domains (larger than 10.000 items).
Add a new field to ColumnSetDefinitions
The column set definitions for all standard WorkZone fields are defined by the server setup in the configuration data ColumnSetDefinitions.
If you need to bind extra fields to XAML controls, you must add them to the ColumnSetDefinitions setup.
If you need the standard data dictionary setup for a field, you only need to list the new field in the module specific ColumnSetDefinitions.xml
<Column name=”medium” />