About the classification scheme

Some organizations are bound by government regulations and must therefore comply with certain rules and regulations which dictate a certain configuration. Other organizations may choose a classification scheme that is closer to the way their business is organized or the business workflow itself.  

Traditionally the classes have been organized into ten main classes. These are each divided into ten divisions, and each division into ten sections. This giving 10 main classes, 100 divisions and 1000 sections.

The classification scheme is in many ways equivalent to the decimal classification systems employed by the public libraries, for example, the Universal Decimal Classification system.

Each class is identified by a decimal number representing the subject content. Each class has a description of the subject content.  

The purpose of a classification system

The purpose of a classification scheme is to organize the cases handled in WorkZone Client and Captia Web Client and the purpose of the classes and the subdivision is to facilitate retrieval of the cases and the documents.

Often the class is a part of the case number. The classes are subdivided in to as many levels as a class' subject dictates, that is cases are created on the lowest level on the most specific class, representing the subject and content of the case matter.

Prerequisites for managing the classification scheme

The prerequisite for gaining access to the Classification Scheme module is the access code DATAADM.

Mandatory system owned classes

Some classes are mandatory and system owned. Do not remove these classes.

  • SJ-STD contains all desktop cases i.e. when a new user logs on to Captia Web Client for the first time a desktop case is created. The desktop case is named SJ-STD-<username> for example SJ-STD-ABC.
  • SJ-TEST is used for test purposes.
  • SJ-SYSTEM contains and owns SJ-STD and SJ-TEST.
  • SJ-TEMP is used by WorkZone Explorer and WorkZone Meeting.
  • SJ-AGENDA is used by WorkZone Meeting.