Customize process labels
To view, add and edit process labels, you must have the PROCESSADM access code.
After you have copied a process, you can customize any of its labels (including labels in the process forms and user tasks) displayed in WorkZone Client to adjust them per your needs and context of your copied process. For example, if you are using the copied process for some review, you can rename the "Deadline" label to "Reply deadline" or "Initial review deadline", or to use any specific terms related to your review process.
You can view, add, and edit process labels for your copied processes (and their forms) on the Process labels tab.
Important: You can customize only labels for your own copied processes.

- On the start page, click Process.
- Select the Process labels tab.
- Select the needed copied process. A list of all labels for that process will be displayed.
- If needed, select relevant process form of this process. A list of all labels used in this process form will be displayed.

- On the start page, click Process.
- Select the Process labels tab.
- Select from a droplist the copied process for which you want to create a new process label.
- In the right bottom corner, click
Create to open the Create process label form.
- Fill in the following fields in the Create label dialog box:
- Global label: select from the droplist a global process to associate this process label with.
- Default label text: enter the default text to be displayed for this label in the WorkZone Client, if relevant localized label has not been defined.
- Click Localize label and:
- In the Label (da-DK) field, enter a Danish text for this label if you need to provide a Danish label.
- In the Label (de-DE) field, enter a German text for this label if you need to provide a German label.
- In the Label (en-GB) field, enter an English text for this label if you need to provide a specific English label.
The users will see the English, Danish or German label, depending on which language is activated in WorkZone Client.
- Click Create.

- On the start page, click Process.
- Select the Process labels tab.
- Select from a droplist the copied process for which you want to edit an existing process label.
- Point to menu bar next to the process label which you want to edit, and select
- In the edit form, update the default label text and/or the localized labels as needed.
- Click Save.
You can identify the needed label by its system name (Name column), or by the label text (Label (da-DK), Label (de-DE), and Label (en-GB) columns) currently displayed in WorkZone Client.

- On the start page, click Process.
- Select the Process labels tab.
- Select from a droplist the needed copied process.
- Select from a droplist the needed process form to associate the new process form label with.
- In the right bottom corner, click
Create to open the Create label form.
- Fill in the following fields in the Create process form label dialog box:
- Global label: select a global process label from the droplist
- Default label text: enter the default label text to be displayed in the WorkZone Client, if relevant localized label has not been defined.
- Click Localize label and:
- In the Label (da-DK) field, enter a Danish text for this label if you need to provide a Danish label.
- In the Label (de-DE) field, enter a German text for this label if you need to provide a German label.
- In the Label (en-GB) field, enter an English text for this label if you need to provide a specific English label.
The users will see the English, Danish or German label, depending on which language is activated in WorkZone Client.
- Click Create.

- On the start page, click Process.
- Select the Process labels tab.
- Select from a droplist the needed copied process.
- Select from a droplist the needed process form for this process.
- In the right bottom corner, click
Create to open the Create label form.
- Point to menu bar next to the process form label which you want to edit, and select
- In the edit form, update the default label text and/or the localized labels as needed.
- Click Save.
You can identify the needed label by its system name (Name column), or by the label text (Label (da-DK), Label (de-DE), and Label (en-GB) columns) currently displayed in WorkZone Client.