Draft versioning
About draft versioning
Draft versioning preserves different versions of documents in WorkZone and enables you to track changes and to restore previous versions of a document.
For example, a newly created document is saved as the first version of that document. If another user opens the document and saves changes, the changed document is saved as version 2. If you want to view the document before the changes made by the other user, you can download and open the first version, making changes to the document and saving it as version 3 of the document.
Draft versioning must be enabled globally for the entire organization before you can use the feature. Draft versioning is enabled or disabled in WorkZone Configurator > Draft versioning where an administrator can also define whether or not to limit the number of saved draft document versions and to enable draft versioning automatically to all documents.
Draft versioning only applies to draft documents - specifically documents with the state UÅ (Draft) or UP (Personal draft).
You can manually enable or disable versioning for a specific document on the document detail page.
- To enable versioning, click
Manage >
Enable versioning on the main ribbon.
- To disable versioning , click
Manage >
Disable versioning on the main ribbon.
If the Enable versioning and Disable versioning options are inaccessible, draft versioning has been disabled globally or you might not have sufficient rights to access to the document.
Draft versioning can also be automatically enabled on all documents, existing and new and for all users by a system administrator in WorkZone Configurator > Draft versioning > Apply versioning to drafts automatically toggle button.
You can view all versions for a document on the Versions detail tab. See how to add a detail tab.
By default, the list of versions provides information about version numbers, document title, who and when updated the document.
You can filter versions by user(s) who updated the document or by time when versions were created. See Apply a filter.
Download and open a previous version
- On the Versions detail tab, select a version that you want to open.
- Click
Open on the detail ribbon.
The document is downloaded and you can open it locally.
You can preview any version of a document as a PDF file in the Versions detail tab.
- On the Versions detail tab, select the version you want to open.
- Click
Preview on the detail ribbon.
- The Preview pane opens in the right-hand corner of the WorkZone Client
You must have the write access for the document which versions you want to delete.
You can permanently delete all previous versions if you no longer need them. The latest version will be kept.
- On the Versions detail tab, select any previous version.
- Click
Delete previous versions on the detail ribbon.
The latest version is kept and obtains version number 1. All other versions (including the selected one) are permanently deleted.
You must have the write access to the document that you want to restore.
Restore a version of a document if you want it to become the current version.
- On the Versions detail tab, select a version that you want to restore.
- Click
Restore version on the detail ribbon.
The copy of the selected version is created and it becomes the current version. The old version cannot be "restored" again as long as it is the current version of the document. You can restore another older version instead.
The restored document always inherits the title of the current document.