Customize the Main ribbon

You can customize the Main ribbon, defining which buttons and/or button options to be displayed or hidden on the ribbon as well as changing the display order of the menu options and define your own labels for the ribbon buttons. Ribbon customizations are stored in the user configuration, so your ribbon customizations can be accessed by you from any machine. You can also reset any changes you have made to the ribbon and revert to the default ribbon configuration.

Lock main ribbon changes

When editing configurations, you can lock changes made to the Main ribbon. This enables you to single out and prevent user access to specific Main ribbon elements - for example updating the Unit configuration to only display the creation of certain case types to unit members.

Locked Main ribbon elements cannot be unlocked by users that are not assigned the CONFIGADM access code even though all users can edit their Personal configuration's main ribbon.

Button options

There are two types of button and button options you can configure in the ribbon:

  • Global options
  • Local options

Global ribbon options

Global ribbon options enable you to automatically deploy your customized ribbon configuration to all major ribbons.

Global ribbon options are identified by a capital G in the right column of the Configure ribbon form. If a ribbon option does not contain a capital G, it is a local ribbon option.

There are following global ribbon buttons and options:

  • Case
  • Contact
  • Word
  • Document
  • New Search

Local ribbon options

Local ribbon options enable you to deploy your customized ribbon configuration to the current ribbon only. If you want to apply the same local ribbon options for other ribbons, you must configure these ribbons individually.

Major and minor ribbons

Only major ribbons can be automatically updated with changes to the global ribbon options and contain the Save globally option on the Save button of the Configure ribbon form.

Minor ribbons can only be updated with local changes and do not contain the Save globally option on the Save button of the Configure ribbon form.

The following ribbons are major ribbons :

  • The home page and home page lists opened in new tabs
  • All Case detail pages
  • All Document detail pages
  • All Meeting detail pages
  • All Contact detail pages
  • The Actor sequences page
  • All Search pages

All other ribbons are considered minor ribbons.

The Configure ribbon form

The Configure ribbon form is used to configure the ribbon configuration of the current ribbon and to distribute changes to global ribbon options to all other major ribbon configurations.

The Configure ribbon form is opened from the ribbon on the current detail page by clicking Configure ribbon in the Help button.

Configure ribbon is always present in the ribbon and not connected to the Help button. If you hide the Help button, you can still access the Configure ribbon dialog by pressing Configure ribbon.

Ribbon options

Global ribbon options are identified by a capital G in the right column of the Configure ribbon form. If a ribbon option does not contain a capital G, it is a local ribbon option.


The Configure ribbon form also contains the following Save and Reset button options:

Button Type




All changes to local and global ribbon options are saved to the current ribbon configuration only.

Save globally

Button option

All changes to local and global ribbon options are saved to the current ribbon configuration. Additionally, all changes to global ribbon options are applied to all other major ribbon configurations.

Changes to local ribbon options are not applied other ribbon configurations.



Removes all changes to local and global ribbon options for the current ribbon configuration only, reverting the current ribbon configuration to the default ribbon configuration.

Reset globally

Button option

Removes all changes to local and global ribbon options for the current ribbon configuration, reverting the current ribbon configuration to the default ribbon configuration. Additionally, all changes to global ribbon options are removed from all major ribbon configurations.

Changes to local ribbon options are not removed from other ribbon configurations.

Change the order of the Main menu options

The Main menu options are by default displayed in alphabetical order, but you can customize the order by dragging and dropping the individual menu options in the Configure ribbon form. Adjusting the display order of the menu options enables you to better reflect the workflows of your organization.

How to customize and save a ribbon configuration

Customizing ribbon button labels

You can create your own customized ribbon button labels for all supported languages in WorkZone. When you select a display language in WorkZone, any customized button labels will be displayed instead of the default button labels for the selected language. If you have not defined any custom button labels for the selected language, the default button label will be used instead.

New button labels can be up to 256 characters long, but it is recommended to use short labels as a long label text may not be correctly displayed in the ribbon.

The button labels of locked ribbons cannot be changed .

You can create custom button labels for your own personal configuration freely, but you must be assigned the CONFIGADM access code to edit and save configurations other than your own Personal configuration.

Casing and button label texts

You can user lower and upper case characters as label text but if you only change existing default labels to upper case, for example changing Document to DOCUMENT, the default label (Document)will be displayed in the ribbon even though the DOCUMENT text is displayed in the Button name (<Language>) field in the Rename <button label> button form.

If you create a new label (create a label that is different from the default label text, disregarding all casing), the new label is displayed in upper case, lower case or any combination of the two, for example changing Document to DOCUMENT New.

Restore the default ribbon button labels

If your customized button labels no longer are required, you can restore your custom button label to the default values. Each custom button label must be manually restored to its default label.

Exporting and importing custom button labels

You can export the customized button labels of a language in the configuration you are working on. You must select the configuration suffixed with the specific language and culture code (for example da-DK or en-GB )when you export the configuration.

Configurations that are suffixed with the specific language and culture code will only contain customized label text and do not contain any other customizations. In this way, only customized button labels will be exported and as a result, only customized button labels will be imported by other users, enabling you to distribute only customized button labels to other users. 

Configurations suffixed with the specific language and culture code are exported and imported as any other configuration - by using the SettingsImport/ExportExport to File or Import from file options in the main ribbon.

Resetting the ribbon configuration

Reset the configuration to quickly remove all your changes to the ribbon configuration and apply the default ribbon settings.

If you have changed any global ribbon options, you can reset the current ribbon configuration by pressing the Reset button or reset all your major ribbon configurations by selecting the Reset globally button option.

If you have changed local ribbon options, only the current ribbon configuration can be reset, regardless of which button (Reset or Reset globally) you press.

Manually reset the current ribbon configuration

You can also reset a current ribbon configuration by manually selecting all the ribbon options in the Configure ribbon form.