Failed PDF conversion error messages

Error Message Description

The conversion was not completed due to insufficient memory on the server.

The conversion process requires more memory on the server than it was originally assigned. The conversion process will attempt to convert the document later.

The conversion was not completed within the specified time interval.

Each document is allotted a specific amount of time for conversion. This is done to ensure that a large document doesn't stall the conversion of many other smaller documents.

For one reason or another, the document was not converted during the allotted time. The conversion process will attempt to convert the document later.

The document(s) cannot be converted to PDF format.

For reasons other than the available error messages can display, the document in question was not converted to PDF format.

The document is password-protected.

The PDF conversion process cannot convert documents that are password-protected.

The document is unsupported.

The PDF conversion can only convert certain document types to PDF. See Supported file types.

The content(s) exceeds the bounds of the document.

The document contains content (images, text, or other types of content) which exceeds the boundaries of the document itself.

Re-merge failed for document [Title]. Reason: [Reason]

WorkZone PDF could not perform the remerge action/operation.