=============================================================================== Release Information =============================================================================== KMD WorkZone Mass Dispatch 2021.1 Hotfix 1 build No. 21.1.21217.01 Released August 2021. =============================================================================== Installation =============================================================================== Overview -------- KMD WorkZone Mass Dispatch 2021.1 Hotfix 1 consists of the KMD.WorkZone.MassDispatch.Setup.msi server package. =============================================================================== Documentation =============================================================================== The documentation for this release is: Release overview and documentation is available on https://docs.workzone.kmd.net/2021_1/en-us/Content/WZMD_UserGuide/home.htm. Readme (this document). ============================================================================== Bugs fixed in hotfix 01 ============================================================================== 198541 WorkZone Mass dispatch required IISreset for new custom fields to be available -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Custom fields created and added to the Cases and Contacts forms were not available for Mass dispatch flows until the Internet Information Server (IIS) had been reset. Now, the IIS does not need to be reset for any new custom fields to be available. The WorkZone Client webpage must still be reloaded to load the new custom fields correctly. 198539 Template-case's Write access codes are not used in cases created by WZMD ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- When a Mass dispatch flow that was based on a template case that contained Read and Write access codes was started, the template case's Write access codes were not applied to cases created by the Mass dispatch flow. Now, Read and Write access codes on template cases are applied correctly to cases created by the Mass dispatch flow. 196742: Custom fields are not supported by Mass Dispatch -------------------------------------------------------- It was not possible to use custom fields in letter templates and Mass dispatch would fail with the error message "Sequence contains no elements" . Now, custom fields can be created and used in letter templates. 198177 Failed MassDispatch flow leaves empty trash cases after itself --------------------------------------------------------------------- If a Mass dispatch flow failed, temporary cases created to facilitate the Mass dispatch flow were not removed. Now, temporary cases created during Mass dispatch flows are removed if the Mass dispatch flow fails 197352: Access codes from the recipient list are not used when recipient cases are created -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mass Dispatch failed when trying to create recipient cases using access codes specified in the recipient list (the Excel file). In a corporate access code WorkZone installation specification of access codes is mandatory. Now access code are now read from the case template and not from the Excel file. 198325 Cases for all recipients are created with the same name when tags are used ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- All cases were created with the same name. This has been fixed, so cases are created with correct names. 197181: Data from case schema are not merged when ForeignKey is not an ID ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mass dispatch did not merging spreadsheet data correct, when the identifier was not correct. This has been fixed, so spreadsheet data is merged correct.