Work with configurations

Create a new configuration

To create a request to change the Document registration form, you must strictly follow the JSON syntax used in the request.

You need a new request to send the delta with changes to WorkZone 365.

  1. Set method to POST.
  2. Specify the URL to OData in the following format: OData address + OData/WzсConfigurations.
  3. Go to the Body tab.
  4. Select raw.
  5. Select JSON.
  6. Enter the request in the JSON format. See The structure of requests.
  7. Click Send.

Add a custom component

You can add a custom field to the Document registration form. To do this, you must create a new component request and send it to the configuration file.

  1. Compose a custom component by using available properties. See Common properties. Remember to follow JSON syntax.
  2. Set the property for the new component as \"visible\":\"Visible\" and send it. See Create a new request.

Delete a configuration

To delete a configuration from the database, proceed with the following steps:

  1. Select the DELETE method.
  2. Enter a URL to OData and add the configuration ID in the database.
    Example: htts://<host>/OData/WzcConfigurations('50').

    See how to find the ID configuration below.

  3. Click Send.


Reset configuration to default

To reset a configuration to default, delete all configurations.

Tip: Alternatively, you can delete the configurations that you no longer need. See Delete a configuration.

Examples of JSON requests