General overview of text indexes

You can review the status of the text indexes currently registered in WorkZone in the Indexes field group of the Text Indexes form.

The Text Indexes form is opened from the ScanSQL form > SJBaseText Indexes.

Deprecated free text indexes

Some free text indexes have been deprecated from WorkZone 2020.1 and on. Deprecated free text indexes will not be updated, should not be used in queries but are currently maintained for backwards compatibility and to ensure older queries still in use are not invalidated. You should update any queries that still use deprecated free text indexes to the newer free text indexes to improve performance and make sure the queries can be used in future operations.

The Text Indexes form

The Text Indexes form displays all current context text indexes and enables you to define general settings for all context indexes. Context indexes that have been created by you or your organization as well as customized context text indexes are also displayed in this form.

Indexes table fields

Field Description


The name of the free text index. By default, the following context indexes are included in a standard installation of WorkZone:

  • I_CTX_FILE_ELAB_TEXT: Indexes the case number and case title fields and is used to facilitate auto-completion in these fields.
  • I_CTX_FILE_FREE_TEXT: Indexes all case meta data and is used to search for case meta data texts.
  • I_CTX_NAME_ELAB_TEXT: Indexes the contact ID and name fields and is used to facilitate auto-completion in these fields.
  • I_CTX_RECORD_FREE_TEXT: Indexes all document meta data and is used to search for document meta data texts.
  • I_CTX_RECORD_TITLE: Indexes the document title field and is used to facilitate auto-completion in this field.
  • I_CTX_ADDRESS_FREE_TEXT:  Indexes all case, document, contact, or address meta data and is used to search for case, document, contact, or address.
  • I_CTX_CONTACT_FREE_TEXT: Indexes all contact name data and is used to search for contact name texts.
  • I_CTX_WZPI_ELAB: Indexes all WorkZone Process meta data and is used to facilitate auto-completion when entering data in WorkZone Process fields.
  • I_CTX_CHAT_MESSAGE_TEXT: Indexes all WorkZone chat messages and is used to search for chat message texts.
  • I_CTX_EMPLOYEE_FREE_TEXT: Indexes the employee ID and name fields and is used to facilitate auto-completion in these fields.
  • I_CTX_OU_FREE_TEXT: Indexes the unit ID and name fields and is used to facilitate auto-completion in these fields.
Deprecated free text indexes
  • I_CTX_FILE_TEXT: Indexed all case meta data and is used to search for case meta data texts. Replaced by I_CTX_FILE_FREE_TEXT.
  • I_CTX_RECORD_TEXT: Indexed all document meta data and is used to search for document meta data texts. Replaced by I_CTX_RECORD_FREE_TEXT.
  • I_CTX_REGISTER_TEXT: Indexed all case, document, contact, or address meta data and is used to search for case, document, contact, or address. Replaced by I_CTXADDRESS_FREE_TEXT and I_CTX_CONTACT_FREE_TEXT.


The general status of the index.


The number of pending tasks for the selected index.


Defines the optimization status of the selected index.

Optimized indicates that the index has been automatically optimized by the system and is ready for use.


The date on which the index was last optimized.

General context index settings

You can define the default size of the entire context index and the maximum size the index can grow. You can see if the synchronization job and Create/Resume jobs are running and you can stop or start the jobs if necessary.

Detailed index status

You can open a more detailed overview of the individual index status from the Text indexes form.

See also

Detailed index status