Followed items

About followed items

You can mark cases, documents and contacts as your followed items and have them displayed on the Followed cases, Followed documents, and Followed contacts lists. Such lists give you easy access to your followed cases, documents, or contacts from the navigation pane.

When you follow a case, document or contact, you are informed about changes applied to it by other users. For example when other users change one or more meta data fields or add or remove references on a followed item, it will appear on your list of Changed cases, Changed documents, or Changed contacts.

For information about how to add a list to the navigation pane, see Manage lists.

Tip: Add the Is followed column to your lists to see the special icon for items you follow. See Display or hide columns on lists.

Follow an item

You can follow one or more cases, documents, or contacts. You can start following an item either from a list or from a detail page.

Remove an item from your followed items

You can stop following an item (remove an item from your followed items) from a list or from a detail page.