You can subscribe to your saved or shared search list and receive e-mail notifications about new items in this list.
You can view and manage your subscriptions in Subscriptions under the OTHER section in the navigation pane.
Tip: You can also add the list to the dashboard as a widget.
Subscribe to your saved search list
When you subscribe to a saved search, the recurrence of the updates is based on the subscription creation date and time.
Example: If you created a subscription on June 7th , 2019, 08:50:21 then the Daily recurrence option will send updates on June 8th, 2019, 08:50:21, June 9th, 2019, 08:50:21, June 10th, 2019, 08:50:21 and so on.
- Click My Lists found in the Other panel on the Navigation pane on the Home tab to open a list of your saved searches.
- In the list, select the search that you want to subscribe to.
- In the ribbon, click
Subscribe to open the Add subscription form.
- In the Add subscription form, fill in the required fields:
- Recurrence – Specify how often you want to get updates about the list by email:
- Daily
- Once per 4 hours
- Weekly
- Items in email – Define the maximum number of list items that you will get in the emails.
- New items only – Select the check box if you want to get notifications only about new items in the subscribed list. Clear the check box to receive new and old items.
- Recurrence – Specify how often you want to get updates about the list by email:
- Click Save.
In the navigation pane, click the Subscriptions list. All of your subscriptions and their details are displayed. Select the subscription(s) you want to edit and proceed with the following steps:
- Click
Edit .
- Apply required changes:
- Next occurrence – You can set the date and time when you want to receive the next email with updates.
- Recurrence – Specify how often you want to get updates about the list by email.
- Items in email – Define the maximum number of list items that you will get in the emails.
- New items only – Select the check box if you want to get notifications only about new items in the subscribed list. Clear the check box to receive new and old items.
- Click Save.
Unsubscribe from your saved search list
You can unsubscribe from a saved search list at any time:
- In the navigation pane, click the Subscriptions list. All of your subscriptions and their details are displayed.
- Select one or more subscriptions from which you want to unsubscribe and click
Unsubscribe in the ribbon to open the Confirm dialog box.
- Click Yes to unsubscribe from a saved search list.
See Also