OAuth2 settings

Prerequisite: To set up OAuth2, you must be assigned the OAUTH2ADM access code.

About WorkZone OAuth2

OAuth2 is an open standard authorization framework that allows users to grant applications temporary and limited access to their user account information on other websites without distributing sensitive information such as passwords. The OAuth2 framework delegates user authentication to the service that hosts the user account, and authorizes third-party applications to access the user account and is used by large internet-based companies to enable users to share information with third party applications or websites.

OAuth2 and WorkZone

The OAuth2 framework can be used in WorkZone to improve security and facilitate delegation of authorization between the WorkZone Content Server and external components or systems such as mobile devices or the WorkZone ClientWorkZone Content Server web application without exposing passwords or using "on-behalf-of" features.

The OAuth2 settings page

Use the OAuth2 settings page to set up, maintain and delete settings for using OAuth2 protocol for WorkZone.

Creating, editing or deleting OAuth2 settings.