Validation rules

Prerequisite: To configure validation rules, you must have the DATAADM access code.

Validation rule is a regular expression that defines rules and limitations for the text custom fields. For example, if you create a custom field for emails, then you need to make the character @ mandatory and compose an error message if @ is missing. When the validation rule is created, associate it with the related custom field.

Note: You can only associate a validation rule with the custom field that has type Text or Unique.

Create a validation rule

  1. On the start page, select Global.
  2. On the Validation rules tab, click Create.
  3. Fill in the following fields:

    • Name – The unique name of the validation rule.
    • Description – Specify descriptive information about the validation rule.
    • Validation rule – Enter a regular expression to define the text pattern for custom fields.
    • Error message –  Compose an error message. Users will see it if the entered text does not match to the defined pattern.
    • Protocol – Select a protocol. WorkZone Client then can use it to open the field input in a relative application, for example, mail agent or browser.
    • Case-sensitive – Turn it on if you want to validate the upper and lower case input. Turn it off to disregard the letter case input.
    • Localize name and error message – Expand to enter name and error message in other languages.
  4. Click Create.

Edit a validation rule

  1. Select a validation rule that you want to edit.
  2. Click Edit.
  3. Apply the required changes in the Edit validation rule dialog box.
  4. Click Save.

Delete a validation rule

You can only delete a validation rule if it is not yet associated with a custom field.

  1. Select a validation rule that you want to delete.
  2. Click Delete, and then click Delete.