PDF Crawler and Engine configuration

Prerequisite: To configure the WorkZone PDF settings, you must have the CONFIGADM access code and WorkZone PDF must be installed.

About WorkZone PDF Crawler and Engine

The WorkZone PDF module is used to convert existing documents to PDF documents. The WorkZone PDF module consists of two sub-modules:

  • WorkZone PDF Engine: A stateless web service that performs real-time conversions of files to PDF documents.
  • WorkZone PDF Crawler: Used for deferred, asynchronous conversions of selected documents, either manually or with policies.

If an organization uses WorkZone PDF with policies, WorkZone PDF Crawler searches for documents that have not been converted, and match one of the policies that have been defined. When a document that matches a policy is found, it is converted and then saved back to the WorkZone Content Server as a PDF document.

For more detailed information, see WorkZone PDF Administrator Guide.

Configure WorkZone PDF

  1. On the start page, click PDF.
  2. Select the Engine configuration or Crawler configuration tab depending on your needs.
  3. Apply your changes.
Field Description Notes



Bypass page bounds verification for files

Specify which file types are to be bypassed when boundaries of objects in the files are checked during PDF conversion. The default file extension is PDF, meaning that the check for out-of-bounds objects in PDF documents will be bypassed.


Convert documents with their attachments

Enable to covert document attachments together with the document.


Suppress content that exceeds page bounds

If deactivated, the document is converted even if the content exceeds the bounds of a document. If enabled, the content fails to convert.

Note: Documents with the states UL (Locked), ARK (Archived), and AFS (Closed) will not be checked for content that is out of bounds even if the toggle button is enabled. Documents with these states are locked in their final state regardless of content that exceeds the page bounds.

Document processing retries

Specifies how many times WorkZone PDF Crawler tries to convert a document.

This setting is only available for WorkZone PDF Crawler


Document processing time-out

Specifies a time-out after which the WorkZone PDF Crawler stops waiting for conversion to be finished. If the conversion is not finished during the specified time-out, an error message is written to the dvs_render_info table.

This setting is only available for WorkZone PDF Crawler

For PDF documents



PDF forms:

  • Flatten
  • Show

Select whether to include PDF forms as regular content or to show as review edits, when converting PDF documents.


Flatten: PDF forms will be included to the final document as regular content (text and images).

Show: PDF forms will be shown in the final document as review edits (and will remain editable).



  • Flatten
  • Show
  • Hide

Select whether to include annotations as regular content, show as edits, or hide completely, when converting PDF documents.


Flatten: Annotations will be included to the final document as regular content (text and images).

Show: Annotations will be shown in the final document as review edits.

Hide: Annotations will be hidden (excluded) from the final document.


For Word documents



Show comments

Enable to show comments when converting Word documents



  • Accept
  • Show
  • Reject

Select whether to accept, show or reject existing revisions, when converting Word documents


For Excel documents



Show comments

Enable to show comments when converting Excel documents



  • Accept
  • Show
  • Reject

Select whether to accept, show or reject existing revisions, when converting Excel documents


For PowerPoint documents



Show annotations

Enable to show annotations when converting PowerPoint documents


Show notes

Enable to show notes when converting PowerPoint documents


Content settings



Define the content of the header.
You can specify the header content as normal text or use the following Microsoft field codes:
{Title}: The document title.
{Date}: The current date based on defined culture settings.
{Page}: The current page number in the document.
{NumPages}: The total amount of pages in the document.

Custom header text example:

<setting name="Header" serializeAs="String"> <value> 'My Custom Header'</value> </setting>

OpenField code header example:

<setting name="Header" serializeAs="String">

<value> {page}</value>


Header styles

Define the default style of the header that will be used if the style is not specified in the request. This parameter must be in JSON format. You can specify the formatting of the header, for example, bold, italic, as well as which font to use. All parameters are optional.

Example of a header in bold using Arial as font:

{ "Bold": true, "Font": "Arial"}


Specify the text to print as a watermark on each page.


Watermark styles

Define the default style of the watermark. This parameter must be in JSON format. You can specify color, transparency, and font. All parameters are optional. You specify them as follows:

Color: Any valid html string format such as standard color name (e.g. red), hex value (e.g. #FF0000), and RGB colors (e.g. 255,0,0).

Transparency: Transparency ranges from 0 to 100 where 100 represents full opacity.

Font: A font name.

Note: You do not need to specify font size. The watermark will be sized to fit the page automatically.

Example of a watermark with red as the font color, medium transparency, and using Verdana as the font:

{ "Color": "Red", "Transparency": "55", "Font": "Verdana"}


Define the content of the footer. You can specify the footer content as normal text or use the following Microsoft field codes:

{Title}: The document title.

{Date}: The current date based on defined culture settings.

{Page}: The current page number in the document.

{NumPages}: The total amount of pages in the document.

Custom footer text example:

<setting name="Footer" serializeAs="String"> <value> 'My Custom Footer'</value> </setting>

Field code footer example:

<setting name="Footer" serializeAs="String">

<value> " Page {page} of {NumPages}"</value>


Footer styles

Define the default style of the footer that will be used if the style is not specified in the request.

This parameter must be in JSON format. You can specify the formatting of the footer, for example bold, italic, as well as which font to use.

All parameters are optional.

Example of a footer in bold using Arial as font:

{ "Bold": true, "Font": "Arial"}

Output settings


Convert PDF output to archive format

Enable to convert to a PDF format that is used for long-term storage. Deactivate to convert to a PDF format for generic usage.


Compress PDF output

Enable to reduce a size of the PDF output. This parameter is particularly important as large documents may take a long time to download from a server.


Optimize PDF output for the web

Enable to optimize the PDF output for the web. This parameter is particularly important as regards large documents that may take a long time to download from a server.