View Interact connector errors

If retrieval of data from an Interact form fails, for example if fields in a form are mapped incorrectly in Interact, mandatory fields have not been filled in by the user, or fields cannot be found, a case is created with the error text shown in the Case text field. An error will also be returned to the Interact app.

Error cases

The cases that contain error messages are created with the title [INTERACT ERROR] and with the case group that is configured as the default case group in WorkZone Configurator. By default, it is SJ-TEMP but your organization may be using another case group.

The case contains the following information that can assist you in identifying the form in question and fixing the error:

  • An error message in the Case text field.
  • The PDF document with the content of the submitted form.
  • The name of the form that caused the error in file name of the PDF document.
  • The Interact reference ID on the Information tab.

For a better overview, you can create a search list in WorkZone Client that shows the Interact error cases.

Create a list of error cases

  1. Search for cases with the title [INTERACT ERROR] in the Title field and the information type Interact Ref. ID in the Information field.
  2. Save the list.
  3. Add it to the navigation pane on the Home tab in the WorkZone Client. You can see the list under My lists in the Available lists pane. See Manage saved search lists in the WorkZone Client User Guide.

In addition to checking the error cases, you can check the workflow log to find out why the Interact service workflow failed. See Investigate failed processes in the workflow log in the WorkZone Operations Guide.

Tip: You can set up a Process monitor service workflow to monitor whether processes fail. If an Interact service workflow fails, the process owner will by notified by an email. In this case, the process owner is the user you have specified in the InteractUser parameter when you configured the Interact service workflow. See Process Monitor and Create and configure an Interact connector service workflow