Configure e-Boks materials

An e-Boks material is a configurable item in e-Boks that describes what to be communicated to the e-Boks user. SmartPost needs to know the materials in order to send messages though e-Boks.

The material determines if the user can reply to a message. Before you configure SmartPost, the organization needs to configure both the materials and the connection with registration groups the e-Boks Administration Portal. Registration groups use either a material that is enabled or disabled for replies. Several registration groups can use the same material at the same time, which means that a registration group can share materials with other registration groups. The organization decides if materials will be shared across registration groups.

When the organization creates a material in the e-Boks administration portal, the material is assigned a unique ID. You need this ID to set up materials in SmartPost. Please refer to the e-Boks brugersupport (e-Boks user support) for information about how to set up e-Boks materials in the e-Boks Administration Portal.

Configure e-Boks materials

You create and configure e-Boks materials in WorkZone Configurator. The e-Boks materials that you create are listed in the e-Boks material field in the Send SmartPost dialog box.

With the installation of SmartPost, two e-Boks materials are created by default in WorkZone Configurator:

  • Material without reply option
  • Material with reply option

You can edit the default materials to suit your organization's setup or create your own materials.

Prerequisite: Make sure that materials are created in the e-Boks administration portal, and that you have the e-Boks material IDs.
  1. In WorkZone Configurator, click Process.
  2. Click e-Boks materials.
  3. Point to next to the default material, Material without reply option or Material with reply option, you want to use. Click Edit, and enter the e-Boks material ID that corresponds to the material you have created in the e-Boks Administration Portal.
  4. - Or -

    Click to create a new e-Boks material, enter a name for the material and the e-Boks material ID that corresponds to the material you have created in the e-Boks Administration Portal.

  5. Fill in other settings that are relevant for your organization. See Create an e-Boks material in the WorkZone Configurator Administrator Guide for a description of each settings.
  6. Click Save to save changes you made to existing materials or Create to create a new material.

Set up a default e-Boks material

You can specify a default material that will be preselected in the Send SmartPost dialog box.

  1. Open WorkZone Configurator, and click Process > Processes.
  2. Point to the SmartPost process, and click Edit process parameters.
  3. In the DefaultMaterialID field, select the material you want to display as default in the Send SmartPost dialog box.