=============================================================================== Release Information =============================================================================== KMD WorkZone Client version 2021.2 HF3 Released October, 2021 Version information: KMD WorkZone Client 21.2.21285.01 =============================================================================== Prerequisites =============================================================================== Supported browsers: - Internet Explorer 11 - 32 bit x86 and in non-compatibility mode - Google Chrome version 71 or later (32 bit and 64 bit) - Microsoft Edge 18 or later (32 bit and 64 bit) - Microsoft Edge Chromium (32 bit and 64 bit) - Google Chrome for macOS - Apple Safari Minimum supported screen resolution: 1440x900. Client OS: - Windows 10 (32 bit x86 and 64 bit x64) - MacOS Microsoft Office: - Office 2016 (32 bit x86 and 64 bit x64) - Office 2016, 365 subscription (32 bit x86 and 64 bit x64) - Office 2019 (32 bit x86 and 64 bit x64) WorkZone for Office: - WorkZone for Office 2021.2 Server: - Microsoft Windows Server 2016, IIS 10.0 - Microsoft Windows Server 2019, IIS 10.0 - For the Process module: * WorkZone Process Server 2021.2 must be installed and configured on the server WorkZone Content Server: - WorkZone Content Server 2021.2 KMD WorkZone Process: - KMD WorkZone Process 2021.2 =============================================================================== Installation =============================================================================== See documentation on http://workzonesupport.kmd.dk/ =============================================================================== Upgrade Information =============================================================================== Important: Upgrading to KMD WorkZone Client 2021.2 is not possible from versions before 2018.0. You must uninstall the previous version and install KMD WorkZone Client 2018.2. Important: WorkZone Client configurations created in WorkZone Client 2017 or earlier versions are no longer possible to migrate, and they will be lost when you upgrade WorkZone Client to version 2018.1. This is a consequence of the fundamental dashboard improvement and new functionalities introduced in release 2018. WorkZone Client configurations created in WorkZone Client 2018.0 will be maintained after the upgrade except the settings applied to dashboard and navigation pane. This is a consequence of the multiple dashboard functionality introduced in release 2018.1 Configurations created with WorkZone Client 2018.1 and newer will be retained fully. Important: When you access the KMD WorkZone Client from a client after upgrade from an earlier version than KMD WorkZone Client 2016, you need to clear the browser cache. For more information, see the Administrator's Guide for WorkZone Client. ============================================================================= Documentation ============================================================================= Release documentation is available on https://docs.workzone.kmd.net/2021_2/en-us/Content/WZ_ReleaseNotes/Topics/ReleaseNotes_Home.htm and in Danish on https://docs.workzone.kmd.net/2021_2/da-dk/Content/WZ_ReleaseNotes/Topics/ReleaseNotes_Home.htm The documentation includes: - Readme (this document). - Administrator's Guide for WorkZone Client (including installation guidelines and Support Matrix). - User's Guide for WorkZone Client (including description of the new features in this release). ============================================================================= Bugs fixed in this release ============================================================================= For an overview of the reported bugs fixed in this version, see https://help.workzone.kmd.dk/2021_2/FixedBugsList/FixedBugs.html ============================================================================= Bugs fixed in version 2021.2 Hotfix 1 ============================================================================= 196581 Singe-selection dropdowns fail to focus input on opening When opening a droplist in a single-selection field, for example the Case handler field for a case, focus was lost in the input area of the drop-down list (the top part of the list) and users were required to restore focus (click in the input area) to filter the drop-down list. Now, the input area of a dropdown list opened from a single-selection field is automatically in focus and ready for user input. ============================================================================= Bugs fixed in version 2021.2 Hotfix 2 ============================================================================= 197089 List of supplementary documents jump on first open On a case with documents with several supplementary documents, an incorrect supplementary document could sometimes inadvertently be opened when the user double clicked in the list of supplementary documents on the documents detail tab. The error was caused by standard browser list behavior where the browser attempted to center the list of supplementary documents after the first mouse click. This resulted in the user clicking the wrong document with the second mouse click. Now, the standard browser behavior is ignored and the user can open the intended document with the double click. ============================================================================= Bugs fixed in version 2021.2 Hotfix 3 ============================================================================= 199704 Cannot edit ribbon if values are missing in database The configure ribbon form in WorkZone Client could not be opened and the home ribbon could not therefore be edited if an element of the ribbon (Case category, contact type, etc) had been deleted or disabled in WorkZone Configurator. The configure ribbon button was still present in the home ribbon, but clicking it would not open the configure ribbon form. The same behaviour was observed if an ribbon element in WorkZone Configurator contained an end date that had expired. Now, an expired, disabled or deleted ribbon element in WorkZone Configurator will not prevent the configure ribbon form from opening in WorkZone Client. 196383 Import configuration with old invalid schema If a WorkZone Client configuration that contained elements from WorkZone 2018.0 or earlier as well as invalid nodes with old somasp lower case notation was imported into WorkZone Client, the import would fail due to an error caused by the Workzone schema validation. Now, older configurations that contain invalid nodes with old lower case somasp notation will be imported as the schema validation will ignore sections of the configurations that contain lower case somasp notation. 199988 WZC: Corporate Access Codes: ACL codes are listed in the Term control When the WorkZone Corporate edition was employed and corporate access codes were used, incorrect access codes (ACL access codes) were listed in the drop-down lists in the Term access code fields in the Edit read access or edit Write access form in WorkZone Client. Now, the drop-down lists in the Term access code fields do not list ACL corporate access codes.