Scanjour.Workflow4.TestFramework.Internal (in Scanjour.Workflow4.TestFramework.Internal.dll) Version: (
| Name | Description |
![Public method Public method](../icons/pubmethod.gif) | AddPartyToCase | (Inherited from IntegrationTestBase.) |
![Protected method Protected method](../icons/protmethod.gif) | CheckInstanceOwner | |
![Protected method Protected method](../icons/protmethod.gif) ![Static member Static member](../icons/static.gif) | CheckWorkflowIdle | |
![Protected method Protected method](../icons/protmethod.gif) ![Static member Static member](../icons/static.gif) | CheckWorkflowStatus | |
![Public method Public method](../icons/pubmethod.gif) ![Static member Static member](../icons/static.gif) | Cleanup | |
![Public method Public method](../icons/pubmethod.gif) | ConfigureHttpContext | (Inherited from IntegrationTestBase.) |
![Public method Public method](../icons/pubmethod.gif) | CreateCase(String, String) | (Inherited from IntegrationTestBase.) |
![Public method Public method](../icons/pubmethod.gif) | CreateCaseWithWriteAccessForUser | (Inherited from IntegrationTestBase.) |
![Public method Public method](../icons/pubmethod.gif) | DeleteFile | (Inherited from IntegrationTestBase.) |
![Public method Public method](../icons/pubmethod.gif) | DeleteRecordAsUser | (Inherited from IntegrationTestBase.) |
![Public method Public method](../icons/pubmethod.gif) | DispatchParameters | (Inherited from IntegrationTestBase.) |
![Public method Public method](../icons/pubmethod.gif) | EnableProcess | (Inherited from IntegrationTestBase.) |
![Public method Public method](../icons/pubmethod.gif) | Equals | Determines whether the specified object is equal to the current object. (Inherited from Object.) |
![Protected method Protected method](../icons/protmethod.gif) | Finalize | Allows an object to try to free resources and perform other cleanup operations before it is reclaimed by garbage collection. (Inherited from Object.) |
![Protected method Protected method](../icons/protmethod.gif) ![Static member Static member](../icons/static.gif) | FindFile | |
![Protected method Protected method](../icons/protmethod.gif) ![Static member Static member](../icons/static.gif) | GetActionLabel | |
![Public method Public method](../icons/pubmethod.gif) | GetCaseCustomIntegerValue | (Inherited from IntegrationTestBase.) |
![Public method Public method](../icons/pubmethod.gif) | GetCaseNumber | (Inherited from IntegrationTestBase.) |
![Public method Public method](../icons/pubmethod.gif) | GetCaseState | (Inherited from IntegrationTestBase.) |
![Public method Public method](../icons/pubmethod.gif) | GetCaseUpdateCode | (Inherited from IntegrationTestBase.) |
![Public method Public method](../icons/pubmethod.gif) | GetFile | (Inherited from IntegrationTestBase.) |
![Public method Public method](../icons/pubmethod.gif) | GetFileAsUser | (Inherited from IntegrationTestBase.) |
![Public method Public method](../icons/pubmethod.gif) | GetFileRecords | (Inherited from IntegrationTestBase.) |
![Public method Public method](../icons/pubmethod.gif) | GetFileStreamByNamePartForDomain | (Inherited from IntegrationTestBase.) |
![Public method Public method](../icons/pubmethod.gif) | GetFirstAddressIdByNameCode | (Inherited from IntegrationTestBase.) |
![Public method Public method](../icons/pubmethod.gif) | GetFirstInstanceOnCase | (Inherited from IntegrationTestBase.) |
![Public method Public method](../icons/pubmethod.gif) | GetHashCode | Serves as the default hash function. (Inherited from Object.) |
![Public method Public method](../icons/pubmethod.gif) | GetInstancePendingTime | (Inherited from IntegrationTestBase.) |
![Public method Public method](../icons/pubmethod.gif) | GetInstancesOncase | (Inherited from IntegrationTestBase.) |
![Public method Public method](../icons/pubmethod.gif) | GetInstanceStatus | (Inherited from IntegrationTestBase.) |
![Public method Public method](../icons/pubmethod.gif) | GetInstanceStatusOnCase | (Inherited from IntegrationTestBase.) |
![Public method Public method](../icons/pubmethod.gif) | GetLatestInteractErrorCase | (Inherited from IntegrationTestBase.) |
![Public method Public method](../icons/pubmethod.gif) | GetLocalizedError | (Inherited from IntegrationTestBase.) |
![Protected method Protected method](../icons/protmethod.gif) ![Static member Static member](../icons/static.gif) | GetPendingTimerExpiration | |
![Public method Public method](../icons/pubmethod.gif) | GetProcessAccessCode | (Inherited from IntegrationTestBase.) |
![Public method Public method](../icons/pubmethod.gif) | GetProcessEndDate | (Inherited from IntegrationTestBase.) |
![Public method Public method](../icons/pubmethod.gif) | GetProcessId | (Inherited from IntegrationTestBase.) |
![Public method Public method](../icons/pubmethod.gif) | GetProcessNamesForUser | (Inherited from IntegrationTestBase.) |
![Public method Public method](../icons/pubmethod.gif) | GetProcessParameter | (Inherited from IntegrationTestBase.) |
![Public method Public method](../icons/pubmethod.gif) | GetProcessStartDate | (Inherited from IntegrationTestBase.) |
![Public method Public method](../icons/pubmethod.gif) | GetRecord | (Inherited from IntegrationTestBase.) |
![Public method Public method](../icons/pubmethod.gif) | GetTokenOfUser | (Inherited from IntegrationTestBase.) |
![Public method Public method](../icons/pubmethod.gif) | GetType | Gets the Type of the current instance. (Inherited from Object.) |
![Public method Public method](../icons/pubmethod.gif) ![Static member Static member](../icons/static.gif) | GetWorkflowIdentity | |
![Public method Public method](../icons/pubmethod.gif) ![Static member Static member](../icons/static.gif) | Initialize | |
![Public method Public method](../icons/pubmethod.gif) | InitializeTest | (Inherited from IntegrationTestBase.) |
![Protected method Protected method](../icons/protmethod.gif) ![Static member Static member](../icons/static.gif) | MakeData(String, IDictionaryString, Object, String, Boolean, String) | |
![Protected method Protected method](../icons/protmethod.gif) ![Static member Static member](../icons/static.gif) | MakeData(WorkflowType, IDictionaryString, Object, String, Boolean, String) | |
![Protected method Protected method](../icons/protmethod.gif) | MemberwiseClone | Creates a shallow copy of the current Object. (Inherited from Object.) |
![Public method Public method](../icons/pubmethod.gif) | PrepareOdataContextForUser | (Inherited from IntegrationTestBase.) |
![Protected method Protected method](../icons/protmethod.gif) ![Static member Static member](../icons/static.gif) | PrepareWorkflowHost | |
![Public method Public method](../icons/pubmethod.gif) | Properties | (Inherited from IntegrationTestBase.) |
![Public method Public method](../icons/pubmethod.gif) | SetCaseCustomDecimal | (Inherited from IntegrationTestBase.) |
![Public method Public method](../icons/pubmethod.gif) | SetCaseCustomInteger | (Inherited from IntegrationTestBase.) |
![Public method Public method](../icons/pubmethod.gif) | SetCaseState | (Inherited from IntegrationTestBase.) |
![Public method Public method](../icons/pubmethod.gif) | SetCaseTitle | (Inherited from IntegrationTestBase.) |
![Public method Public method](../icons/pubmethod.gif) | SetCaseUpdateCode | (Inherited from IntegrationTestBase.) |
![Public method Public method](../icons/pubmethod.gif) | SetCustomFieldEndDate | (Inherited from IntegrationTestBase.) |
![Public method Public method](../icons/pubmethod.gif) | SetInstanceStatus | (Inherited from IntegrationTestBase.) |
![Public method Public method](../icons/pubmethod.gif) | SetRecordAccessCode | (Inherited from IntegrationTestBase.) |
![Public method Public method](../icons/pubmethod.gif) | SetRecordDeleteLock | (Inherited from IntegrationTestBase.) |
![Public method Public method](../icons/pubmethod.gif) | SetRecordDigitallySigned | (Inherited from IntegrationTestBase.) |
![Public method Public method](../icons/pubmethod.gif) | SetRecordTitle | (Inherited from IntegrationTestBase.) |
![Protected method Protected method](../icons/protmethod.gif) ![Static member Static member](../icons/static.gif) | TimerRunning(Guid) | |
![Protected method Protected method](../icons/protmethod.gif) ![Static member Static member](../icons/static.gif) | TimerRunning(WorkflowHost, Guid) | |
![Public method Public method](../icons/pubmethod.gif) | ToString | Returns a string that represents the current object. (Inherited from Object.) |
![Public method Public method](../icons/pubmethod.gif) | UpdateCasePlanCompleted | (Inherited from IntegrationTestBase.) |
![Public method Public method](../icons/pubmethod.gif) | UpdateCaseState | (Inherited from IntegrationTestBase.) |
![Public method Public method](../icons/pubmethod.gif) | UpdateCaseText | (Inherited from IntegrationTestBase.) |
![Public method Public method](../icons/pubmethod.gif) | UpdateProcessAccessCode | (Inherited from IntegrationTestBase.) |
![Public method Public method](../icons/pubmethod.gif) | UpdateProcessEndDate | (Inherited from IntegrationTestBase.) |
![Public method Public method](../icons/pubmethod.gif) | UpdateProcessParameter | (Inherited from IntegrationTestBase.) |
![Public method Public method](../icons/pubmethod.gif) | UpdateProcessStartDate | (Inherited from IntegrationTestBase.) |
![Protected method Protected method](../icons/protmethod.gif) ![Static member Static member](../icons/static.gif) | VerifyInstance | |
![Protected method Protected method](../icons/protmethod.gif) ![Static member Static member](../icons/static.gif) | WaitForCompletion | |
![Protected method Protected method](../icons/protmethod.gif) ![Static member Static member](../icons/static.gif) | WaitForTimerHandled | |