CompleteMassDispatch Properties

Scanjour Workflow4 Reference Manual

The CompleteMassDispatch type exposes the following members.


Public propertyDisplayName
Gets or sets an optional friendly name that is used for debugging, validation, exception handling, and tracking.
(Inherited from Activity.)
Public propertyFailedRecords
The shipmentinformation for the failed records.
Public propertyId
Gets an identifier that is unique in the scope of the workflow definition.
(Inherited from Activity.)
Public propertyIsCancelled
True if the instance is cancelled
Public propertyRecipientsForReports
The recordKey/recipient address key needed for individual reports.
Public propertyResult (Inherited from ActivityBoolean.)
Public propertyResultType
When implemented in a derived class, gets the type of an activity OutArgument.
(Inherited from ActivityWithResult.)
See Also
