SimpleUserTaskArguments Properties

Scanjour Workflow4 Reference Manual

The SimpleUserTaskArguments type exposes the following members.


Public propertyAction (Inherited from UserTaskInformation.)
Public propertyActions (Inherited from UserTaskInformation.)
Public propertyActionSecurity (Inherited from UserTaskInformation.)
Public propertyActor
Gets or sets the actor.
Public propertyActorDepartment (Inherited from UserTaskInformation.)
Public propertyActorNameCode (Inherited from UserTaskInformation.)
Public propertyActorNameKey (Inherited from UserTaskInformation.)
Public propertyActorNameType (Inherited from UserTaskInformation.)
Public propertyActorRole (Inherited from UserTaskInformation.)
Public propertyActorType (Inherited from UserTaskInformation.)
Public propertyAttachments (Inherited from UserTaskInformation.)
Public propertyCalculated (Inherited from UserTaskInformation.)
Public propertyCCActors
Actors who wants to be informed about actions
Public propertyCCEnabledActions
The actions the CC actors wants to be informed about.
Public propertyClosed (Inherited from UserTaskInformation.)
Public propertyComment (Inherited from UserTaskInformation.)
Public propertyCurrentState
The current state of the usertask if known
Public propertyDisplayOrder (Inherited from UserTaskInformation.)
Public propertyDisplayOrderIncrement
The default task order increment
Public propertyDueDate (Inherited from UserTaskInformation.)
Public propertyDuration (Inherited from UserTaskInformation.)
Public propertyEnableAttachmentSecurity (Inherited from UserTaskInformation.)
Public propertyEnableAttachmentsSecurity
Gets or sets the attachments security enabled flag.
Public propertyEnableConditionalApproveAction (Inherited from UserTaskInformation.)
Public propertyEnableParallelActivity (Inherited from UserTaskInformation.)
Public propertyEnableRedirectAction (Inherited from UserTaskInformation.)
Public propertyEnableRejectToAction (Inherited from UserTaskInformation.)
Public propertyEnableResendAction (Inherited from UserTaskInformation.)
Public propertyEnableRolebasedPhases
Gets or sets the flag indicating whether or not the user task should change phase in the phase process based on Actor roles.
Public propertyEnableTerminateOnCancel
Gets or sets the enable terminate on cancel.
Public propertyEnableUpdateAction (Inherited from UserTaskInformation.)
Public propertyErrorType (Inherited from UserTaskInformation.)
Public propertyExitOnUpdate
Gets or sets the flas indicating whether or not the user task should exit when an UPDATE bookmark is raised.
Public propertyFormIdentity (Inherited from UserTaskInformation.)
Public propertyGroupIdentity (Inherited from UserTaskInformation.)
Public propertyIdentity (Inherited from UserTaskInformation.)
Public propertyInstanceIdentity (Inherited from UserTaskInformation.)
Public propertyIsNotification (Inherited from UserTaskInformation.)
Public propertyLabel (Inherited from UserTaskInformation.)
Public propertyMandatory (Inherited from UserTaskInformation.)
Public propertyNearDueDate (Inherited from UserTaskInformation.)
Public propertyNearDuration (Inherited from UserTaskInformation.)
Public propertyOpened (Inherited from UserTaskInformation.)
Public propertyProperties (Inherited from UserTaskInformation.)
Public propertySchedule (Inherited from UserTaskInformation.)
Public propertyShow (Inherited from UserTaskInformation.)
Public propertyState (Inherited from UserTaskInformation.)
Public propertyStepInformation (Inherited from UserTaskInformation.)
Public propertyTitle (Inherited from UserTaskInformation.)
See Also
