InfoEnum Enumeration

Scanjour Workflow4 Reference Manual
Defines an enumeration whose members represent the kind of ActivityException thrown.

Namespace:  Scanjour.Workflow4.Base
Assembly:  Scanjour.Workflow4.Base (in Scanjour.Workflow4.Base.dll) Version: (

public enum InfoEnum

  Member nameValueDescription
Sending0 Shipment of message to {0} via{1}.
SentOk1 Message was successfully shipped to {0} via {1}.
SentFail2 Shipment of message to {0} via {1} failed. The message was not sent.
SentRetry3 Shipment of message to {0} via {1} failed. The message will be resent.
SentManual4 Message to {0} is handled manually..
GenDoc5 Generate documents for receivers.
GenDocDone6 The document generation completed.
GenDocFail7 The document generation failed.
PdfStart8 Pdf document generation started.
PdfSuccess9 PDF document generation completed.
PdfError10 PDF document generation failed.
Information11 Information.
ProcessCancel12 Process is cancelled by {0}.
ProcessSubject13 THE Process has failed. Title: {0}

The process ’{0}’ has failed. (Instance Id: {1})

Process overview

Process Log:


MailSubject15 The smarttask concerning the process ”{0}” has not been sent to "{1}".

The mail concerning the process “{0}” to the recipient "{2}" has not been sent. Both you and "{2}" can access the task through the Processes overview, WorkZone Client or WorkZone Mobile to continue the process.

Process ID: {1}

You can access the process through the Process overview.

Please send this email to your local WorkZone Process responsible to investigate why sending the smartmail has failed.

NoCprOrCvr17 The recipient with ID {0} does not have a CPR or CVR number
NoAssociatedMaterial18 No associated materials for e-boks
DocumentSizeExceeded19 The message size of {0} MB, exceeds the maximum size of {1} MB
NoPostalAddress20 The recipient with ID {0} does not have a postal address
IncorrectPostalCode21 The recipient with ID {0} has an invalid postal code
GreenlandPostalCode22 The recipient with ID {0} has a postal address in Denmark but a postal code in Greenland
OneTooXSystemKeyNotFound23 The system key for the OneTooX dispatcher was not found
OneTooXSystemKeyInvalid24 The system key for the OneTooX dispatcher is invalid
NoDispatcherId25 No dispatcher ID is provided
RecordNotExist26 The document with the ID {0} was not found
RecordStateUP27 The document with the ID {0} has the state Personal Draft
NoResponsibleOU28 The document with the ID {0} does not have a responsible unit associated
NoSubject29 Title is missing
AddressNotExist30 The address with the ID {0} does not exist
ProcessSettingNoExist31 The process setting with key {0} does not exist
NoValuesCustomDomain32 No values exist for the custom domain {0}
ProcessSettingInvalid33 The specified value {0} is invalid for the process setting {1}
ProcessSettingInvalidFormat34 The format of the value {0} for the process setting {1} is invalid
ProcessSettingPositiveNumber35 The value of the process setting {0} must be a positive number
CaseIsClosed36 The case with the ID {0} is closed
AddressEndDateInPast37 The recipient address has an end date in the past, and is no longer valid {0}
RecordOfficerInvalid38 There is no associated case handler on the document with the ID {0}
CaseHandlerNoExist39 The case handler with the ID {0} does not exist
CaseHandlerNoNameCode40 The case handler for the document with document number {0}, does not have an ID
RecordNoCaseHandler41 The case handler {0} is not associated with the document with document number {1}
CaseHandlerStartDateInFuture42 The document case handler ({0}) is not employed before {1}
CaseHandlerResigned43 The document case handler {0} is not employed as of {1}
CaseHandlerNoRecordAccess44 The document case handler ({0}) does not have access to the document(s) with the document number(s) {1}
DeadlinePassed45 The deadline ({0}) has passed
OriginalRecordNoDelete46 The original document cannot be deleted:
RecordAppendixes47 The document includes supplementary documents
RecordReferenced48 The document is referenced from another document
RecordArchieved49 The document is archieved
RecordClosed50 The document state is Closed
DispatchFailed51 Unable to dispatch message. The error(s) are:
ProcessSettingRequired52 The required process setting "{0}", is missing
DispatcherSettingRequired53 The required dispatcher setting "{0}" is missing
DispatcherSettingInvalidFormat54 The format of the dispatcher parameter named '{0}' for the dipatcher (ID={1}) is invalid.
NoValidCertificate55 The certificate for the dispatcher {0} is expired, or is not yet valid
NoCertificate56 The certificate with the thumbprint {0} does not exist for the dispatcher {1}
NoCertificatePermissions57 The current user {0} does not have the required permissions to access the certificate {1}
NoEmailProcessOwner58 The process owner {0} does not have an email address. This is required to be able to receive notifications
NoEmailCaseHandler59 The process owner {0} does not have an email address. This is required to be able to receive notifications
ReportStart60 Generate PDF report.
ReportSuccess61 PDF report generation is complete.
ReportError62 PDF report generation failed.
CoverPageRecordNotExist63 The document "{0}" does not exist
CaseNotFound64 The case with the ID {0} was not found
SecurityProtocolInvalid65 The value for the process setting {0} is invalid for the dispatcher {1}
NoCasePermissions66 The current user {0} does not have the required permissions to access the case {1}
LetterNoDelete67 Failed to delete original letter with ID {0}
DocumentUpdateFailed68 Dispatching succeeded, however, and error occured while updating the document with the ID {0}
ProcessTakeover69 Process ownership changed
ProcessOwnerExpired70 The owner is no longer an active user. Select new process owner of the process.
InvalidContext71 Illegal context passed. Current context is {0}.
TitleTooLong72 The title is too long. Maximun length is 256 characters. Current length is {0}.
DeadlineInThePast73 The deadline has passed. ({0}).
NoDocuments74 No documents selected.
NoActors75 No actors selected.
CaseClosed76 The case has been closed.
InvalidActor77 Actor {0} has illegal type. Only employees or departments are allowed. Current type: {1}
NoEmail78 The actor {0} has no email address.
NoFileAccess79 Actor {0} has no access to the case.
NoRecordAccess80 Actor {0} has no access to the documents: {1}
RecordDeleted81 The document {0} is deleted or protected.
InvalidCoverPageRecord82 The document "{0}" is invalid as CoverPage
InvalidPrintTypeParam83 The print type ({0}) contains an invalid value. The error is: {1}
InvalidExternalMaterialId84 The specified external materials ID is not present or has an obviously invalid value.
InvalidDispatcherGuid85 The configured dispatcher GUID does not match any dispatcher type (Dispatcher ID={0}).
InvalidDispatcherVersion86 The configured dispatcher version does not match any dispatcher type (Dispatcher ID={0}).
MissingReqDispatcherParam87 The configured dispatcher (Dispatcher ID={0}) does not contain the mandatory parameter '{1}'.
InvalidRecordClassification88 It is not allowed to send documents with the classification {0}
PdfRemergeFailed89 Pdf document remerge failed ({0}).
NoRecipients90 No recipients specified.
NameTypesNotAllowed91 The following types of contacts are not allowed: {0}
ContactKeyDoesNotExist92 Contact with key {0} does not exist
Preliminary93 Preliminary
NoTitle94 No title
ProcessUpdate95 Process is updated.
UsertaskUpdate96 Userr task is updated.
CreateActor97 The following 16 messages used the following argument sequence "0" "TaskType" "1" "Title" "2" "Actor" "3" "Priority" "4" "Action" "5" "Changes" "6" "Recipient" You have a new {0} task: {1}.
UpdateTaskActor98 {2} has updated the {0} task: {1}.
UpdateProcessActor99 {2} has updated {5} for the process: {1}.
NearDueActor100 Remember to respond to the task: {1}.
OverDueActor101 The deadline has been reached for the {0} task: {1}.
CancelActor102 {2} has cancelled the process {1}.
ObsoleteActor103 The {0} task {1} is obsolete.
ActionActor104 {2} has {4} the task {1}.
ActionOwner105 {2} has {4} the process {1}.
RejectToOwner106 {2} has rejected the task {1} to {6}.
NearDueOwner107 {2} has a {0} task that has reached its reminder date in the {1} process.
OverDueOwner108 {2} has a {0} task that has reached its response deadline in the process {1}.
CancelOwner109 {2} has cancelled the process {1}.
TakeOverOwner110 {2} has taken ownership to the process {1}.
NotSubscribing111 'The recipient with id {0} is not subscribing to material ID {1}.
NotSubscribingError112 'Error from eBoks when validating the user : ''{0}'': {1}'
CaseActNoLetter113 'The activity cannot find the specific letter document to send.'
CaseActNoValidRecipient114 'The activity cannot find valid recipient addresses.'
CaseActMaxLetterRecipient115 'The total number of messages to send exceeds the allowed maximum number. The maximum number is 50 messages.'
CaseActNoValidSmartpost116 'The activity cannot start the SmartPost process. The SmartPost process is not valid.'
CaseActNoValidProcessOwner117 'The activity cannot start the process. Invalid value for the ProcessOwner parameter.'
CaseActGraphCompleted118 'The graph is completed successfully.'
CaseActUpdateEntityFailed119 'Cannot update {0}, as it does not exist in the database.'
CaseActInvalidState120 'The activity with ID {0} has the state {1} and cannot be executed. Please, refresh the case activity list.'
CaseActAutomaticallyExecuted121 'Automatically executed.'
CaseActAutomaticallyFailed122 'Failed to execute automatically.'
CaseActStartProcessNotAuto123 'Start Process cannot be executed automatically.'
CaseActGetValueFailed124 The activity cannot get the property {0} on the entity {1} with the filter {2}.
CaseActGetValueNoResult125 The activity found no result for the property {0} on the entity {1} with the filter {2}.
CaseActGetValueManyResult126 The activity found more than one result for the property {0} on the entity {1} with the filter {2}.
CaseActNotExactOneResult127 The activity did no find exactly one result for the property {0} on the entity {1} with the filter {2}.
CaseActCopyValueNotSet128 The value to copy was not set on the property {0} on the entity {1} with the filter {2}.
CaseActCopyValueFailed129 The activity was not able to set the value {0} for the property {1} on the entity {2} with the filter {3}.
CaseActWildcardLookupFailed130 Failed to retrieve wildcard value for {0} on case with the ID {1}. The error was: {2}
CaseActInvalidProcessGuid131 The value provided for the parameter ProcessGuid is not valid.
CaseActStartProcessFailed132 The activity could not start the process with name {0}. The error was: {1}
CaseHandlerMissing133 The case has no case handler
MassDispatchNotAllowed134 The person sending the mass shipment has no authority to do so.
CaseActUpdateEntitiesThreshhold135 The activity cannot be executed because the number of values to update exceeds the limit of {0}.
CaseActNoDocumentToCopy136 The activity could not find any documents to copy.
PendingReceiptsFromEboks137 Awaiting receipts from e-Boks
MassDispatchInProgress138 Mass dispath in progress
ValidationReport139 Mass dispatch validation errors
HistoryReport140 Mass dispatch history
RecipientReport141 Mass dispatch history per recipient
CaseActGetValue142 The activity has fetched the value '{value}' for the property {property}
CaseActSetValue143 The activity has set the value '{value}' for the property {property}"
MassDispatchServiceNotConfigured144 Mass dispatch servicen is not responding or is not configured correct
MdValidate145 Validating {0} recipients in WorkZone.
MdValidateResult146 Validated {0} recipients in WorkZone. {1} recipients are not created in WorkZone. {2} recipients lack recipient data information.
MdValidateEboks147 Validating {0} recipient subscriptions in e-Boks.
MdValidateEboksResult148 Validated {0} recipient subscriptions in e-Boks. {1} recipients are not subscribed to e-Boks.
MdDocument149 Generating {0} documents. Currently, {1} documents have been generated.
MdDocumentResult150 {0} documents are generated.
MdCopyDocument151 Copying {0} documents to WorkZone. Currently, {1} documents have been copied.
MdCopyDocumentResult152 {0} documents are copied to WorkZone.
MdSending153 Sending {0} messages to e-Boks.
MdSendingCount154 Sending {0} to e-Boks. Currently, {1} messages have been send.
MdSent155 {0} messages sent to e-Boks.
MdPendingReceiptsFromEboks156 Receiving {0} receipts from e-Boks. Currently {0} receipts are pending.
MdCaseTitleTemplateError157 New case title template validation error: {0}
PdfSuccess1158 PDF document generation completed. Document {0}
ReportSuccess1159 PDF report generation is complete. Document {0}
NothingToPreview160 Nothing to preview.
PushServiceNotReady161 The push service is not yet ready to serve request for subscriptions.
DeadlineAfterFollowingStep162 The deadline is set to a date after one of the following step deadlines. Enter an earlier deadline or adjust the step deadlines.
DeadlineAfterProcessDeadline163 The deadline is set to a date after the process deadline. Enter an earlier deadline or adjust the process deadline.
See Also
