Manage saved search lists

You can save and reuse the search lists you create, sharing the searches with others and using the saved searches as a base for other searches, customized tab pages or options within lists.

Save a search as a list

When you save a search, you automatically become the owner of the search.

A search owner can share the search with other users, update the search and reassign the search to another user. When you reassign a search to another user, you are handing over ownership of the search and the user the search is assigned to becomes the new owner.

Users who are not owners of a search can use the search in lists and use the shared search as a base to create their own searches from.

Create a saved search list

  1. Open a search page as described in Create your search steps 1-2.
  2. Fill in the relevant search fields and click Search.

    To update your search results, change the search criteria and click Search.
  3. In the ribbon, click Save to open the Save Search form.
  4. Enter a name and possibly a description of the search list.
  5. Click Save. You can now find your saved search list in the navigation pane under My lists.

Tip: For information about how to add a list to the navigation pane, see Manage lists.

Edit a saved search list

A saved search can be change to reflect your organization's evolving requirements.

You can:

  • Edit your own saved search, changing the search criteria.
  • Rename a saved search, effectively creating a new search with the same or changed search criteria.
  • Create a new search based on your own saved search with the same or changed search criteria.
  • Create a new search based in a shared search owned by another user.

Edit a saved search

If you are the owner of a search, you can edit the search, changing search criteria and then update the search or save the search as a new search.

If you are not the owner of a shared search, you cannot overwrite (and thereby update) the shared search, even if the search is shared with you. You can however save the edited search as a new saved search, with you as the owner. You can then share the new saved search.

Tip: If you are editing a shared search you do not own, make sure the name of your new search is not identical to the shared search you are basing your new search on.
The name of the search can be changed when you click the Save button.

All elements using the search will be updated when the changes to the search are saved.

Tip: If the Owner column is not displayed in the list, you can add the Owner column to be able to see who owns the shared search. See Add / Remove columns in a list.

Delete a saved search list

You can delete a saved search list if it has become obsolete or is no longer used.

Note: You can only delete searches you own.

When you delete a saved search, all elements that are based on the saved search, such as customized detail tabs, will be removed as well. If the search you want to delete is included in one or more distributed configurations, an overview of the configurations that contain the search is displayed. You must confirm the removal of the search to updated the configurations.

Tip: If the Owner column is not displayed, you can add the Owner column to the list to be able to see who owns the shared search. See Add / Remove columns in a list.

Create a new search based on a saved search

You can create a new search based on the search criteria of an existing, saved search or shared search. In this way, several base searches can be created and used as search templates for more specialized searches. Searches created from other searches will not be updated if the original search is edited.

Tip: If the Owner column is not displayed, you can add the Owner column to the list to be able to see who owns the shared search. See Add / Remove columns in a list.

Share a saved search list

When you have saved a search, you can share your search with your entire organization or with the selected users, including groups of users. Shared searches can be used by other users as searches for lists or as a base for creating their own searches.

Important: Remember to include yourself to the list of users you are sharing your search with.

Note: You can only share one search at a time.

View shared search users

If you want to see who you are sharing a search with, you can use the Share search form.

Reassign a shared search

If you have shared one of your searches, you can reassign it to one of the users you have shared the search with. You cannot reassign searches you own but have not shared.

When you reassign a search to another user, you are handing over ownership of the search. The user the search is assigned to becomes the new owner.

You can also reassign a shared search that you do not own if the owner (WorkZone user) has been rendered inactive, for example if the owner no longer is a part of your organization. This is to enable editing of shared searches that are widely used and the original owner no longer is a part of the organization.

You can assign the shared search to yourself, using [@me] as the shared user.

Tip: If the Owner column is not displayed, you can add the Owner column to the list to be able to see who owns the shared search. See Add / Remove columns in a list.


Save a search as a custom detail tab

You can create a new detail tab on a case, document, or contact to display more specific list of documents or parties. For example, in addition to having a standard tab with all parties, you can have a specific tab that only displays parties of the Municipalities type.

Note: Filter documents is only available on cases.

Create a custom tab

To create own custom tab, you must define search criteria for the filter, run the filter and save its results as a tab.

Configure a custom tab

You can rename a custom tab, edit a custom filter, and remove a custom tab. You can only rename standard tabs.