Opdateret: 02-01-2025
About WorkZone I/O Manager
WorkZone I/O Manager is based on the 3rd party technology Lasernet from Formpipe. Lasernet is embedded in the WorkZone platform, which allows you to configure and develop a variety of input and output management aspects with WorkZone.
You can configure and develop integrations between 3rd party systems, set up data transformations, produce reports and documents with a wide range of complex merge options, templates, and more. Documents can be distributed through a wide range of standard channels (by file, HTTP, FTP, Web Services, e-mail, or fax in various formats including PDF, TIF, XML, E2B, EHF, Finvoice, UBL-XML, Svefaktura, EDIFACT and CSV).
See how to set up and configure WorkZone I/O Manager with WorkZone (a typical integration example with the most common tasks).
Related Lasernet documentation
- Lasernet – Overview. An overview of the complete set, that also describes the function, composition and operation of Lasernet.
- Lasernet - Installation. Step-by-step instructions on how to install Lasernet 9.
- Lasernet - Monitor. This document describes the Lasernet Monitor application.
- Lasernet - Developer. This document describes how the Lasernet Developer program is built and how to use this software to easily create smart and highly effective solutions.
- Lasernet – Form Editor. This document describes how to design and maintain great looking forms and reports in the Form Editor using data from any administrative system on any platform.
- Lasernet – XML Transformer. This document describes how to work with XML in the XML Transformer Editor.
- Lasernet - Scripting. This document describes how to use scripting to expand the functionality of Lasernet 9.
- Lasernet - SharePoint. This document highlights the integrations with Microsoft SharePoint 2007.
- Lasernet – Azure Storage. This document shows how Lasernet can integrate Microsoft Azure Storage Blobs and Queues.
- Lasernet - Client. This document describes the Lasernet Client application, which must be installed separately.
- Lasernet – OCR.pdf. This document describes the Lasernet OCR application, which must be installed separately.
- Lasernet – Web Service API. This document describes how the Web Service API is used by the Lasernet Client to access queues and jobs in Lasernet, as well as integrations for 3rd party applications to provide the same functionality as Lasernet Client.
- Lasernet – SDK. This document describes how to create 3rd party modules for Lasernet in .NET.