Opdateret: 12-03-2025
The External Sources Module
The module External Sources manages integrations between Captia Web Client and external systems, for instance, a service that delivers external data from an external source such as a civil registration system - in Denmark such as the CPR register.
To ensure an integration the following conditions must be met:
- The integration must be set up at the same time as the WorkZone Content Server database is installed. Then basic data concerning the integration is automatically entered into the database. Among other things this means that relevant configuration information is displayed in the column Name and Description of the External Sources module.
- The organizations that want to use Captia Web Client with an integration, for example CPR, must have an agreement with the provider of the service. The provider then supplies information regarding software and configuration. The name of the software and the parameters of the configuration must then be registered in the External Sources module.
Prerequisites for managing
External sources
The prerequisite for gaining access to the External sources module is the access code DATAADM.
Click Operation > External Sources to open the module.
sources - save parameters
In External Sources module you must register the name of the program that provides the service of the integration and the parameters required for the configuration of the integration.
a CPR service
- Click Operations > External Sources.
- Select the relevant row. In this example, it is the row with CPR in the Name column and Personer (individuals from the CPR register) in the Description column.
- Fill in the cell in the Program ID column - in this example this should be: sjCPRDRIVER.person
- Fill in the cell in the column Parameters - in this example this should be: IP=
- Click in any adjacent cell followed by a click on Database > Save.