Opdateret: 12-03-2025
About case number formats
Cases are identified by a number - the case number. The case number can be constructed in different ways, for instance:
- 2009-00001, i.e. year-sequence number,
- 2009-1312/175-0001, i.e. year-class/subnumber-sequence number.
Global configuration
Configuration of the case number is done in the Owner module in the Case Number Format field. You must enter a global mask for the case number in a special format - for instance aaaa.gggg(/uuuu)-LLLL.
In this mask, the letters used mean the following:
- a is the year, i.e. aaaa is automatically converted into a four digit year - 2013.
- g is the class, i.e. gggg means that the maximum length of the class is four characters.
- u is the subnumber, i.e. uuuu, the maximum length of the subnumber is four characters (/if it applies to the class).
- L is a sequence number, i.e. LLLL, a four digit number, e.g. 0034 (the capital L signifies that the sequence number i fixed, always 4 digits preceded by zeros when the number is lower than 4 digits, e.g. LLLL = 0034).
This is an example of a case number mask. The case number mask you enter applies globally, i.e. to the entire WorkZone system.
Local configuration
You can deviate from the global configuration by configuring the case number format for individual classes. This is done in the Classification Scheme module.
In the Classification Scheme module, you might for instance have a class reserved for personnel files. You could, for example, configure this class to be a CPR-number and in this way, deviate from the global case number format, for example a mask such as cccc-cccc/LLLL = 180562-5903/0034.
See also Mask.
Manual case number
It is also possible to number cases manually. If necessary, it is possible to set up classes to prompt for a manually entered case number at case creation. This is configured in the Classification Scheme, see Free Case Number.
The sequence number of the
case number
When you create a new case, the case is automatically allocated a sequence number. If the global case number mask does not include g = class or u = subnumber, you must enter a hash (#) symbol in the case number mask, for example #aaaa-LLLLLL. The sequence number is automatically generated when you use the hash symbol (#).
When you add the hash symbol (#) in front of the sequence number, the sequence number is automatically reset when the year changes and a new one is created.
parallel case creation
To ensure scalability of parallel creation of cases, case numbers are not created in consecutive order without holes. In rare situations a case number may be skipped, for example when attempts to create a case with invalid data fail due to the transaction being rolled back. In this case, a log that lists skipped case numbers is created. The log is placed in the file_numbering_error table and is also available through the register named file_numbering_error (OData: FileNumberingErrors). Consult the log if you suspect that a case has been lost. The log shows if the case was never created.