Opdateret: 12-03-2025
Users meta data
Cell |
Description |
Name |
The unique ID of the user. |
Full Name |
The full name of the current user. |
Number |
The current user's user-number. This number is, for example, used in the Use Log module. Each row of information is started with the user number. This way you can find out who has done what in the database. |
The Microsoft Security Identification. The SID is a unique alphanumeric row of digits identifying each operating system and each user in the network. |
Security |
The security code allocated the current user (the code is a number between 1 and 9.) The security code defines the database authorization of the user. It represents what the user is allowed to do in each register in the WorkZone Content Server database, for example, whether the user is allowed to search, update, create or delete cases. The authority granted the security codes are defined in the Register security module. In this module, you define the rights granted each security code level with regard to each register and table. In Active Directory (AD), there are 9 distribution groups corresponding to each of the security codes. In AD, the users must be members of at least one of these distribution groups to be able to work in WorkZone programs. |
Date Format |
If the cell is empty, the date format used is the format configured in the Owner module on the Culture settings tab. In this cell you can enter a date format pattern. It determines the way dates are displayed in Captia Web Client for the current user, for example dd-MM-yyyy HH:mm:ss See also Date patterns. |
Culture |
The cell shows what language the users has chosen as default language in Captia Web Client. |
Configuration |
Displays when the current user has initiated an update in the user's configuration in user_configuration. This happens when the user adjusts the set up in the Captia Web Client interface, for example when the user configures menus, lists etc. |
Universal access |
Select Ja from the drop-down list to assign universal access to the user. Universal access means that the user has unlimited access to all cases and documents. The user is not subject to access code control. Only users with the access codes MEDARBADM and STJERNEADM have the rights to assign universal access to users. |
Restriction of user permission
There are three panels where you can specify certain aspects of the permissions of the individual user. These are the Case Permissions, the Organizational Permissions, and the Contact Permissions. As long as these panels are not filled in, the users is not limited in these areas. As soon as you fill in something in one of the panels, the user's rights are restricted to the area defined in the panel.
If, for example, in the Organizational Permissions you enter a specific organizational unit and the permission record, the current user is exclusively restricted to creating and maintaining documents with the specified unit as responsible unit.
Case permission
Case Class |
The function of the panel:
In this cell you can select:
Permission |
Select the value from the drop-down box belonging to the cell. The value entered in this cell defines the scope of the permissions. Is the user granted permission to:
Organizational permission
This panel functions like the "Case Permissions" panel.
Organizational Unit |
As long as the panel is empty, the user is subject to no restrictions. As soon as you enter an organizational unit and permissions, the users freedom of action concerning creating and maintaining entities is severely limited. The cell contains a drop-down box. Select an organizational unit to which the user's authority is to be restricted. |
Permission |
Select the restriction you want to impose on the users from the list box. The user is allowed to create and maintain
Contact permission
In this panel, you are able to limit in which contact types the user is allowed to create and maintain contacts.
By default, "Editing allowed" is preselected for all users with a security code permitting creation and maintenance of contacts.
Contact type |
The cell contains a drop-down box with contact types. Select the contact types for which the user is allowed to create and maintain contacts. |
Permission |
The cell contains a drop-down box. Select the value relevant for the contact type
Access codes
Access Code |
In this panel, the user's Access Code Profile is displayed - a list of all the access codes the current user is a member of in Active Directory. The list of access codes is for display only. They cannot be edited. If additional access is needed, the users Access Code profile is updated by creating a membership in AD. Changes are then transferred between AD and the WorkZone database at regular intervals. |