Opdateret: 12-03-2025
Configure gridviews
The purpose of the Gridviews Options is a way to limit the number of displayed items and thereby increase performance and reduce waiting.
When you, for example, search the use log you may risk that the system finds an excessive amount of items. It takes long time to fetch and load this amount of items into the module. To avoid this, you can set up how many items should be fetched at a time. After examining the first set of items, you can go to the next set, and so on.
The grid view is by default set to 2000. In the Number of records in gridview field in the GridViewOption dialog box, the default value is 2000__ , that is two thousand succeeded by two underscore characters, in all 6 characters.
The field must always contain 6 characters. If you, for example, want to set the number to 350 it must be entered as 350___ , that is three hundred and fifty followed by three underscore characters.
Configure the gridview
- Click Options > Gridviews.
- The contents of the Number of records in gridview field is by default 2000__. If you want to change the value to 350, it must be entered as 350___.
- Click OK.