Opdateret: 02-01-2025
Reordering the fields and controls
When configuring a detail page, you can add and remove standard WorkZone fields, custom fields and specialized controls from the page, but you can also move fields and controls on the page, rearranging their location to adjust the detail page layout to the workflows of your organization.
Detail page sections
The detail page is divided into sections, where each section by default can contain one field or control. When you add a new field or control to the page, it is automatically added to a vacant location in the page but you can drag the field to a starting location and re-size the field or control as you need.
Fields or controls can be re-sized to cover more than one section, for example the Case text field in a case detail page covers multiple sections.
Move a field or control
To move a field or control to a new position, drag the field to the new position.
Automatic ordering
The page designer automatically re-arranges all controls placed on the page in a left-to-right reading direction, starting at the top left corner and continuing down the page.
When you move fields or controls, you must take into consideration this automatic rearranging of fields and place the field or control so the automatic re-arranging will result in the correct placement of the field.
If you need to add spacing to the fields, use the Empty control to occupy a section or more and you can add texts and headings to the detail page by using the Text control.