Opdateret: 02-01-2025
Configure the retry period for history document creation
You can configure the HistoryDocRetryPeriod parameter in the database. The HistoryDocRetryPeriod parameter defines the period of time that WorkZone retries creating a history document in case of failure.
You specify the time period using the format: d.hh:mm:ss
In ScanSQL, enter:
update wzp_settings set Value = '<d.hh:mm:ss>' where module = 'CreateProcessHistoryDocument' AND key = 'HistoryDocRetryPeriod'
if you do not configure this parameter, the default period of time is 1.00:00:00 (1 day).
Note: The retry period must be at least 5 minutes.
When the retry period expires, an error message is shown in the Processes overview.