Opdateret: 02-01-2025
Advanced features
Permanent links
It is possible to make permanent links to any document or case in the archive. These links are available through a hidden folder called ".archive". All you need to know is the DNS, the ID, and the file extension, and then you can open any document using following address:
https://[WorkZoneHost]/.a/WhateverYouWant (D[RecordKey]).[Extension]
This mechanism can also be used to generate permanent links to documents.
You can also show cases through the.archive folder by using:
https://[WorkZoneHost]/.a/WhatEverYouWant (C[FileKey])
View error messages
Sometimes WorkZone Explorer does not show user friendly and descriptive error messages from the WebDAV server in case of errors or illegal operations. See FAQ.
If you want to see the real error from the system, you can use Fiddler on the client and, in this way, see the actual response and error from the server.
Run WorkZone Explorer on a Windows Server
It is not possible to access clients or services directly from the web server.
Tip: For information on how to enable access from the web server, search for "kb 896861" on Microsoft Docs.
If you want to run WorkZone Explorer from Windows File Explorer on a Windows Server operating system, you must also enable the Windows feature called Desktop Experience.