Opdateret: 02-01-2025
Manage the SJ_LOG tablespace
As part of the regular operations as a database administrator, tablespaces should always be monitored to ensure there is sufficient tablespace storage to support normal operations. If a tablespace runs out of storage capacity and the tablespace cannot expand automatically, database errors will immediately be triggered as the tablespace will not store any new data.
The WorkZone tablespace that grows the most is the SJ_LOG tablespace, which contains all user transactions in WorkZone. In the log tables, you can see which users have executed which transactions on a document or a case.
It may be important to log when a user has updated, deleted, or viewed a document that is, for example, classified and you forgot to hide it using an access code. You can also see which users load the system the most. A job that automatically loads a large number of documents will also result in a large number of logs.
For more information about the Use log module and how to use it, see Use logs and deletion logs.
By default, the use logs are saved for 6 months but this may have been changed for your organization. For example, in some organizations it is a requirement to keep the use logs for 5 years.
The use log is saved in a table for each month. When a table becomes "out of date", it is renamed to TO_BE_DROPPED_USE_LOG_<YYYYMM>. To free up tablespace, you can choose to back up the tables and then drop them or drop the tablespaces without backing up the tables.
See also:
About use logs and deletion logs
Transfer old use logs to monthly use logs