Opdateret: 12-03-2025
Optimize an index
To ensure continued maintenance and efficiency of a free text index, you can schedule regular optimization of the index.
Index optimization is run as a scheduled job on the database and you can define when the index optimization is to start by setting the day, time, and duration of the job.
You must enable optimization of each specific index. You can also choose not to optimize certain indexes or reduce the frequency of optimization as required by your organization's needs.
If the optimization job is interrupted and cannot complete the optimization task, it will continue from where it was stopped when the optimization job is started again.
Improving optimization speed
You can select the number of CPU threads allocated to the index optimization job in the Parallel field. By allocating multiple CPU threads to index optimization, you can reduce the time used to optimize the index.
To set up Index optimization
- On the WorkZone Content Server, press Start and type ScanSQL to open the ScanSQL form. You can also press ALT+R in windows to open the Run window and type ScanSQL.
- In the ScanSQL form, click SjBase to open the SjBase form.
- In the SjBase form, click Text Indexes to open the Text Indexes form.
- In the Indexes field group, select the index that you want to schedule optimization for.
- In the Text Indexes form, click Settings for... to open the Settings for... form. You can also double-click the index to open the Setting for... form for the index.
- In the Settings for... form, > Optimize group:
- Select the Use optimize check box to enable optimization for the index.
- In the Day at time, duration in minutes grid, select which days and time to schedule the optimization and set the duration of the optimization job in minutes.
- Click Save to save your changes and schedule optimization of the index.
See also: