Common Office Online Server integration errors

Be aware of these potential errors that might occur during configuration or installation of the Office Online Server.

Incorrect Office Online Server URL address in the Office Online Server URL field

If the Office Online Server URL address in the Office Online Server URL field is incorrect, <oos_server_url>/hosting/discovery XML will be unavailable and WorkZone Clientwill not be able to access the Office Online Server.

Invalid -InternalURL setting

If the Office Online Server was originally set up with an invalid -InternalURL setting, the <oos_server_url>/hosting/discovery XML will be available but WorkZone Client will not be able to access the Office Online Server.

Testing integration from WorkZone Clientto the Office Online Server

You can test the integration from WorkZone Clientto the Office Online Server by previewing and editing all three main Office Online file types (Word, Excel and Powerpoint) from WorkZone Client.

See Also

The Microsoft Office Online Server

Configure Office Online Server

Test the Office Online Server connection