Updated: 02/01/2025
Meta data for imported documents
When imported documents from other databases into WorkZone, all source document meta data will be transferred to WorkZone as defaults for the meta data fields with the following exceptions:
- Case handler and Responsible unit: You use the case handler and responsible unit from the original document (source document) or you can use the case handler and responsible unit from the active case you are importing the source documents into.
You can also manually adjust the case handler and responsible unit of the documents to be imported in the right pane of the Import from another database form before importing them. - Access codes: Any access codes specified on the document in the source database will not be imported. If you need to apply access codes to the document, you must do so manually for each imported document after the import.
- Document Type: If the document type of the document in the source database is not used in the target database, the DOK document type will be applied by default as the DOK document type is present in all WorkZone installations by default.
- Document State: All document states can be imported into WorkZone but there are some important restrictions if the document state is AFS. The AFS document state was used by the Captia Web Client and is no longer in use in newer versions of WorkZone.
- If the document state of the document to be imported is AFS then:
- For desktop cases and or cases assigned to the case group SJ-TEMP:
- Documents with the AFS document state cannot be imported into desktop cases or cases assigned to the case group SJ-TEMP.
If you try to import a document with the AFS document state into a desktop case or a case assigned to the case group SJ-TEMP, an error message will be displayed and the document import will stopped.
- Documents with the AFS document state cannot be imported into desktop cases or cases assigned to the case group SJ-TEMP.
- For non desktop cases or cases that are not assigned to the SJ-TEMP case group:
- If the document state AFS exists in your current WorkZone application, the document will be imported with the AFS document state.
- If the document state AFS does not exist in your current WorkZone application, the document will be imported with the document state Archived (ARK) instead.
- For desktop cases and or cases assigned to the case group SJ-TEMP:
- If the document state of the document to be imported is AFS then:
Additional characteristics regarding source meta data import
Generally, all source document meta data values are imported, unless the source document meta data cannot be inserted in identical meta data fields in the WorkZone installation.
If document meta data from the imported document cannot be inserted in the WorkZone installation, the import will not fail but the meta data will not be imported.
Document references
Document references are references to other WorkZone items (Cases, Documents, Contacts, and/or Meetings). Document references in the meta data of the source document are not imported into your WorkZone installation.
Main and supplementary documents
You can import main and supplementary documents with the references defining their associations intact. Documents with supplementary documents (Main documents) are displayed with a small black triangle to the left of a main document in the left and right panes of the Import from WorkZone form. Click the triangle to expand and display its supplementary documents.
You must manually select which documents to import. If you select the main document, all supplementary documents will also be select by default. If you only want to import the main document, you must select the main document first and then clear all supplementary documents.
You can also import individual supplementary documents by clearing the main document selection and then selecting the individual supplementary document(s) you want to import.
Tip: Expand the main document to display all supplementary document to double-check which documents have been selected for import.
Custom Properties
The source document meta data may contain custom properties, which are customized fields that contain meta data and are saved in the database like standard meta data field values.
Custom Properties can be added to your WorkZone installation to provide additional meta data relevant to your organization, customizing WorkZone to fit to your work flows and registration needs. Typically, a WorkZone administrator or developer defines and adds these custom properties to a WorkZone configuration.
Different custom properties
If the source document meta data contains values from custom properties your WorkZone installation does not contain, only document meta data from identical custom properties will be imported.
If your WorkZone installation contains custom properties that the source document meta data does not contain, only document meta data from identical custom properties will be imported.
Identical custom properties
If identical custom properties exist in the source document meta data and the WorkZone installation, all meta data values will be imported.
Note that in either scenario, the document import will not fail, but not all meta data values will be imported.
Document date and information fields
The source document meta data may contain document date and/or information fields, which are special fields a user can add to the document that contain additional document meta data information and are saved in the database like standard meta data field values.
Different Document dates and/or Information fields
If the source document meta data contains document date and information fields your WorkZone installation does not contain, only identical document date and/or information field values will be imported.
If your WorkZone installation contains document date and information fields the source document meta data does not contain, only meta data from identical document date and/or information field values will be imported.
Identical Document dates and/or Information fields
If identical document date and/or information fields exist in the source document meta data and the WorkZone installation, all document date and/or information field values will be imported.
Note: In either scenario, the document import will not fail, but not all meta data document date and/or information field values will be imported.
Tip: As with all default data in fields, you can change the values in the fields to suit your requirements.
See also
Identifying imported documents