Updated: 02/01/2025
The aggregation function in dashboards
You can display an aggregated value of a field in the dashboard widget by selecting an aggregation function and then selecting a field to apply the function to in the widget. The selected aggregation function reduces the values of the field it is applied to, down a single value.
Only number fields (Integer or Decimal) can be aggregated.
Number (Integer and decimal) fields are not by default present in WorkZone and have to be created using custom fields or custom type fields.
You can apply aggregate functions to cases, contacts and documents. You cannot apply aggregate functions to meeting cases, or to widgets and lists that do not contain number fields that can be aggregated, for example WorkZone Process-related widgets.
Note: Fields with the value 0 are included in the aggregation but fields that are empty (NULL value, do not contain any value) are not included in the aggregation.
The aggregation function can be applied to the following widgets:
- Donut chart
- Bar chart
- Time line
- Speedometer
- Counter
Aggregate functions
The following aggregate functions can be applied in the widgets:
- Avg: (Average): The average (arithmetic mean) value of the selected field.
- CountDistinct: (CountDistinct): The number of unique values in the selected field.
- Max: (Maximum): The highest value of the selected field.
- Median: (Median): The median value of the selected field.
- Min: (Minimum): The lowest value of the selected field.
- Stddev: (Standard Deviation): The statistical standard deviation of the selected field.
- Sum: (Sum): The sum of the selected field.
- Variance: (Variance): The statistical variance of the selected field.