Contact types





Prerequisite: To configure contact types, you must have the DATAADM access code.

About contact types

Contact type is a mandatory attribute of each WorkZone contact. Contact types help group contacts in the Contact register and define the contacts' ID format.

The individual contact type is identified by its unique ID. The ID is composed of a single letter/digit contact type and a code. The ID for a company, for instance, consists of the contact type C and the contact code (the code being a sequence number)

Example: C 3542, Cloak & Dagger Inc. Where C is the contact type and the code is a sequence number 3542.

For each contact type, you can specify the way it forms its code using a predefined set of algorithms.

Contact types reserved by the system

Four letters are reserved by the system:

  • A – organizational unit
  • M – employee
  • K – municipality (local government)
  • U – committee

Important: The register of the contact types M and U deviates from all other contact types. Their data is automatically transferred from Active directory (AD), and therefore you can only maintain them in Active Directory.

In WorkZone Configurator, you can only view and edit contact types.

View contact types

  1. On the start page, select Contact.
  2. Select the Contact types tab. A list of existing contact types is displayed.

    See Contact type meta data fields for more information.

Create a contact type

  1. On the start page, select Contact.
  2. Select the Contact types tab.
  3. In the Custom types tab page, click Create to open the Create contact type field form.
  4. In the Create contact type form, fill in relevant fields:
    • Code – Enter unique one-character identifier for this contact type.
    • Contact type – Provide default title for this contact type. If your system uses multiple languages, click Localize label and:
      • In the Label (da-DK) field, enter a Danish label for the contact type, if you need to provide a Danish label.
      • In the Label (de-DE) field, enter a German label for the contact type, if you need to provide a German label.
      • In the Label (en-GB) field, enter an English label for the contact type, if you need to provide a specific English label. The users will see the English, Danish or German label, depending on which language is activated in WorkZone Client.
    • Code validation (this option can only be enabled if Auto ID is selected as No or left blank) - Select the needed code validation option from the droplist. See Code validation algorithms.
    • Auto ID - Enable this option to create contact type IDs as automatically generated sequence numbers.
    • Use CPR format (this option can only be enabled if Code validation is selected as 6 (CPR number) - Enable this option to use the CPR number format (10 capital X's with the sequence number and the date of birth separated by a dash: XXXXXX-XXXX).
    • ID length - Enter the number of digits (up to 4 digits) assigned to the ID number.
    • Last used ID - Optionally, enter the last ID issued to this contact type.
    • Access code - Select which access codes the users need to be assigned to see this contact type and create contacts with this contact type.
    • Default Read access code - (Optional) Select the default read access code for the contact type. If the Read access field is cleared in WorkZone Client, the defined read access code will be re-applied to the contact.
    • Default Write access code - (Optional) Select the default write access code for the contact type. If the Write access field is cleared in WorkZone Client, the defined write access code will be re-applied to the contact.
    • Start date - Select the date from which this contact type is active.
    • End date - Select the date from which this contact type is inactive.
  5. Click Save.

Edit a contact type

  1. On the start page, select Contact.
  2. Select the Contact types tab.
  3. Point to the contact type that you want to edit. A menu bar with action buttons appears.
  4. Click Edit.
  5. Edit the needed values in the Edit contact type form.
    Note: You can edit all values, except Code.
  6. Click Save.

Delete a contact type

Important: You can only delete a contact type, if no contacts of this contact type exist in the database.
  1. On the start page, select Contact.
  2. Select the Contact types tab.
  3. Point to the contact type that you want to delete. A menu bar with action buttons appears.
  4. Click Delete and then click Delete.

Contact type meta data fields

Data field Description
  • A one-character identifier of the contact type. Valid characters are letters from A to Z and numbers from 1 to 9 (both included).
  • Contact type Localized title of the contact type

    Localize Label

    Enter localized terms for each relevant language option for the contact type. The localized terms will be displayed when the corresponding display language is selected for the WorkZone instance.

    The base language in WorkZone is en-US and all localized terms will be populated with this default.

    Label (da-DK)

    The localized label for Danish for the contact type.

    Label (de-DE)

    The localized label for German for the contact type.

    Label (en-GB)

    The localized label for English for the contact type.

    Auto ID Defines how the IDs are created:
    • Yes – ID is an automatically generated sequence number.
    • No – ID must be entered manually.
    Code validation Controls the format of IDs when Auto ID is set to No. There are 21 available options in the system. Each of them is marked with an integer number and represents a specific code check algorithm. See available Code validation algorithms for more information.
    Format The pattern of the IDs. For example, the format for the CPR number must be 10 capital X's with the birthday and sequence number separated by a dash: XXXXXX-XXXX.

    Use CPR format

    Use the Danish CPR number format (10 capital X's with the sequence number and the date of birth separated by a dash: XXXXXX-XXXX).

    This field is only accessible if you have selected 6 (CPR number) in the Code validation field.

    ID Length

    The number of digits (up to 4 digits) assigned to the ID number.

    Last user ID

    The last ID issued to this contact type. This field can be updated manually if necessary.

    Access code

    Defines the access code which:

    • Will be automatically applied to all new contacts of this type
    • Users must possess to create new contacts of this type in WorkZone Client
    • Users must possess to view any contacts of this type, created after the Access code setup.

    Default Read access code

    The default value in the Read access field on the contact details page in WorkZone Client when the contact is created.

    During contact creation in WorkZone Client

    The default read access code can be changed to another access code but if the Read access field is left empty, the default read access code will be re-applied to the Read access field.

    Editing a saved contact in WorkZone Client

    New values can be defined in the Read access field and the field can be left empty. The default read access code will not be re-applied to the empty Read access field.

    Note: Any read or write access codes specifically defined in the configuration of the contact type detail page in WorkZone Client will be applied to the contact instead of the default contact access codes.

    Note: Users must be assigned the same read or write access codes they assign the contact.

    Default Write access code

    The default value in the Write access field on the contact details page in WorkZone Client when the contact is created.

    During contact creation in WorkZone Client

    The default write access code can be changed to another access code but if the Write access field is left empty, the default write access code will be re-applied to the Write access field.

    Editing a saved contact in WorkZone Client

    New values can be defined in the Write access field and the field can be left empty. The default write access code will not be re-applied to the empty Write access field.

    Note: Any read or write access codes specifically defined in the configuration of the contact type detail page in WorkZone Client will be applied to the contact instead of the default contact access codes.

    Note: Users must be assigned the same read or write access codes they assign the contact.

    Start date The date when the contact type becomes active. Before the start date, the contact type is invisible in the user interface.
    End date The date when the contact type is deactivated. After the end date, the contact type becomes invisible in the user interface.

    Code validation algorithms

    Code validation Code check algorithm
    0 Nothing
    1 Numeric
    2 CPR Number
    3 SE Number
    4 External SE number
    5 External CPR number
    6 CPR number
    7 Property number
    9 CPR number (KU-Matrikel_Styrelsen)
    10 Birthday and Sequence number
    12 9 digit CPR number
    13 CPR number (Færøerne)
    14 CPR number (fictious)
    15 Matrikel number
    16 CVR number (Legal units)
    17 CVR number (Production units)
    18 CVR number (Legal and Production Units)
    19 CPR number (No modulus 11 check)
    20 CPR number (Færøerne, No modulus 11 check)