Updated: 12/03/2025
Process dispatchers
About process dispatchers
Dispatcher is a SmartPost functionality that represents a certain way for reaching the message's recipient. There are four standard dispatchers in WorkZone:
- Straalfors – The message is sent to Strålfors that handles the printing, enveloping, and handover to Post-Nord.
- Local print – The WorkZone user receives an email that includes the SmartPost messages in PDF format. The user handles printing, enveloping, and sending of the messages manually.
- e-Boks – The message is sent to the recipient's digital mailbox in e-Boks.
- OneTooX – The message is sent to KMD Print that handles the printing, enveloping, and handover to Post-Nord.
See also Configure dispatchers in WorkZone Process Administrator Guide.
Create a dispatcher
The creation of dispatchers differs from creation of other entities in WorkZone. First, you need just to create a new entity and you cannot edit it on this stage. When the dispatcher exists in the database, then you can set localized names, start and end dates, and other settings.
- On the main page, select Process.
- On the Process dispatchers tab, in the bottom right corner of the page, click
Select a dispatcher from the drop-down list of available dispatchers.
Tip: You can see a version of the dispatcher next to it. - Click Create.
Edit a dispatcher
- Point to the dispatcher that you want to update. A menu bar with action buttons appears.
- Click
- Apply the required changes in the Edit dispatcher dialog box:
- Localize name– Specify dispatcher names visible to users.
- Description – Provide the descriptive information about the dispatcher.
- Access code – Click
and select units and users who should be able to see and use the dispatcher.
- Start date – The date when the dispatcher becomes active. Before the start date, the dispatcher is invisible on the user interface.
- End date – The date when the dispatcher is deactivated. After the end date, the dispatcher becomes invisible on the user interface.
- Click Save.
Edit dispatcher parameters
Each dispatcher has its own list of parameters relevant specifically to it.
- Point to the dispatcher whose parameters you want to update. A menu bar appears.
- Click
Edit dispatcher parameters.
- Apply the required changes in the Edit dispatcher parameters dialog box:
- Label stands for parameter's name in the database, for example, SecurityProtocol.
- The question mark icon contains the parameter description. Point to it to view more information about the parameter.
- Red frames inform you that the parameter is mandatory and must be filled.
- If you are setting up dispatcher parameters for the Danish next generation Digital Post (NgDP), following fields must be filled out:
- SenderName - The name of your organization.
- NgDPGuid - The GUID of your sender/receiver system as defined in the Administrativ Adgang portal.
- SenderCVR - The CVR number of your organization.
- NgDPContactpointGuid - Your organization's contact point for replies to messages.
- NdGPAuthorizationHeader - The AuthorizationHeader is generated by the Administrativ Adgang portal when the sender/receiver system is defined.
- Click Save.
See Also
Configure SmartPost to use next generation Digital Post (for more information on how to configure integration for NgDP)