Print types

Prerequisite: To view and configure print types, you must have the PROCESSADM access code.

About print types

A print type is a predefined configuration of how Strålfors prints and handles a dispatch. For example, a remote print type defines the size of the page and envelope, A or B mail, single-sided or double-sided, and so on.

For more detailed information on print types, see Configure remote print types in the WorkZone Process Administrator Guide.

Create a print type

  1. On the main page, select Process.
  2. On the Print types tab, in the bottom right corner of the page, click Create.
  3. Fill in the following fields in the Create print type dialog box:

    • Name – Specify name of the print type that is visible for users.
    • Localize name – Expand to specify names in other languages.
    • Order – Defines the display order of print types in different WorkZone clients. The print type marked with the smallest number is displayed at the top of the Remote print type list.
    • Access code – Click and select units and users who should be able to see and use the print type.
    • Start date – The date when the print type is activated. As of this date the print type will be available to users.
    • End date – The date when the print type is deactivated. As of this date the print type will no longer be available to users.
  4. Click Create.

Edit a print type

  1. Point to the print type that you want to update. A menu bar with action buttons appears.
  2. Click Edit.
  3. Apply the required changes in the Edit print type dialog box.
    Note: You cannot edit the Name field.
  4. Click Save.

Edit print type parameters

Print type parameters help you configure print color, envelope type, and other settings.

  1. Point to the print type whose parameters you want to update. A menu bar appears.
  2. Click Edit print type parameters.
  3. Apply the required changes in the Edit print type parameters dialog box:
    • Label stands for parameter's name in the database, for example, PortoCategoryKey.
    • The question mark icon contains the parameter description. Point to it to view more information about the parameter.
  4. Click Save.