Conversion states

In the DVS_RENDER_INFO table, you can view the status of files that have not successfully been converted by WorkZone PDF Crawler. The table can be accessed through the ScanSQL program.

Note: The status information in DVS_RENDER_INFO table is related to user-requested and policy-based conversions only (not files preview in WorkZone Client).

Field Description


The unique record key (aktnr).




May contain one of the following states: PENDING, FAILED, REVIEW, RETRY, or SKIPPED.


A requested conversion is pending.


The document conversion has failed but the WorkZone PDF Crawler will wait at least an hour in order to ensure there are free system resources and then attempt to convert the document again when WorkZone PDF Crawler is idle.

By default, WorkZone PDF Crawler retries the conversion 3 times. You can set the number of retries in the WorkZone PDF Crawler parameters. When the specified number of retries has been reached, the state changes to FAILED.

For more information, see Configure WorkZone PDF Crawler.


The document conversion has failed.

A conversion process can fail for a number of reasons. For example, the conversion takes more time than permitted or conversion requires more system resources than available

After an upgrade of WorkZone PDF Crawler, it attempts to convert documents with the state FAILED again. It re-converts one previously failed document at time and only when WorkZone PDF Crawler is idle. The re-conversion does not affect the user requested and policy based conversions as they always have higher priority.

If the conversion is successful, entry in the DVS_RENDER_INFO table is deleted. If it fails again, the Updated and the Message fields are updated with new information.


The document has not been converted.

The user or the administrator needs to perform actions on the document for the document to convert successfully. The Message field contains a description of the issue that must be corrected to make the document convert successfully. For example, the document is password-protected or the document content exceeds the bounds of the document.


The document file type is not supported and, therefore, the document cannot be converted. See Supported file types.

The Message field will display the file type of the document that cannot be converted.

WorkZone PDF Crawler will not try to re-convert documents with the state SKIPPED until the specific file type is supported.


The latest error message that relates to this conversion.


The actual localized messages are located in the table DVS_RENDER_MESSAGE.


Full stack trace of the exception in case the conversion has failed.


The time that this conversion was last acted on.


The number of retries if a temporary failure occurs (see RETRY above).


The name of the server on which a document was converted.

For example






MESSAGE: HttpRequestException: ServerError 500: Internal Server Error

EXCEPTION: System.Net.Http.HttpRequestException: ServerError 500: Internal Server Error at KMD.WorkZone.ArchiveCrawler.HttpResponse.ReadContentAsStream() at KMD.WorkZone.ArchiveCrawler.RecordProcessor.ProcessRecord(String recordKey, IPolicy policy)

UPDATED: 2018-12-12 14:21:53



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