Actors available for a process

For WorkZone Process, access setup is defined by case and the access setup of the case controls what actors are available for selection in a process. The setup for documents that are associated with a case can also have an effect on actors.

For more information about access rights, see About access rights in the WorkZone Client User Guide.

Access rights to a process controlled by case

A process is always associated with a case and, as a default, any access limitations that apply to a case will also apply to an associated process. So actors that are available for selection in process workflows are the people who have access to the case. If people do not appear for selection in a workflow, it is probably because they don't have access to the case.

If, for example, a case has access codes to allow access for three people, only these three people will be available for selection on any process that is based on the case.

Access rights to a process controlled by case Documents

When it comes to read and write access, documents are, by default, restricted by case which means that documents inherit any access codes that are defined for the case. However, you can define specific access codes for individual documents and thus disregard the access codes of the case.

If, when starting a process, you add a document with restricted access rights and you include one or more actors that do not have access rights to the document, you will not be able to start the process.

Access rights controlled by organizational unit

When you create a case, the unit that you are associated with is by default set as the responsible unit of the case.

  • If you operate in an environment with a standard configuration of the application, any new cases that you create will as a starting point not be restricted by access codes and access is allowed regardless of what organizational unit people are associated with.
  • If you operate in an environment with a corporate configuration, any new cases that you create will as a starting point be restricted by access codes that limit access to people in your own corporate unit.

For information about access codes for corporate and standard configurations, see About access codes in the WorkZone Client User Guide.

Allow access to cases across organizational units in a corporate configuration environment

In a corporate configuration environment, a process that is started on a case is as a default restricted by access for members of the current unit. This means that only members of the current unit will appear on drop-down lists for selection in workflows. To be able to select members of other units as actors in workflows, your need to change the access rights of the associated case. See Manage access rights. in the WorkZone Client User Guide.