About SJStyles

The simplest way to work with standard bindings is to use styles. SJStyles are used to customize XAML controls. There are defined styles for the most common control types, but you can also define your own style, if needed. The predefined controls start with “Sj”.

“SJ” controls describe binding rules for the most commonly used controls. These are:

  • SjTextBox
  • SjComboBox
  • SjTextBlock
  • SjLabel
  • SjDatePicker.

For the search forms, the following styles have been defined:

  • SjTextBoxSearch
  • SjComboBoxSearch
  • SjAutoCompleteControl (also used in DocumentRegistrationPane).

The major difference between them is that the search form styles do not validate the input.

Generalized SJStyles

The generalized SjStyles listed below are presented only in XAML forms. The SjStyles are not available in XAML dialog boxes. Changing these styles in dialog boxes is possible only by inheritance. However, you can add new controls with these styles.

  • SjOfficeStyleTextBox – a text box that inherits the Microsoft Office color scheme and has no binding. It is used as a basis for SjTextBox. It can be used directly if no default binding is needed.
  • SjTextBox – a text field. Attribute values are inherited from the data column.
  • SjTextBoxSearch – is used on the search forms for regular text input. Does not validate the input.
  • SjComboBox – is used on the search forms for regular text input. Does not validate the input.
  • SjComboBoxSearch, SjFilterComboBox – a drop down field. Attributes values inherited from the data column.
  • SjGridComboBox – is used to select items inside the grid control.
  • SjDatePicker – a date field with the date picker control attached. Attributes values inherited from the data column.
  • You can configure date picker content control to use the long or short date format, so that it uses the same format as the SjDatePicker. See Configurable elements.

  • SjCaseClassAutoCompleteBox – is used for case class auto-complete text box.
  • SjAutoCompleteControl – is used on the search forms and in the Document Registration pane to enable auto-complete behavior for Case Handler (officer) and Responsible Unit (responsible_ou) fields.

Сustomizable SJStyles

Customizable SjStyles are presented in each XAML file. You can configure them according to your needs.

  • SjLabel – static text, used primarily for labels.
  • SjTextBlock – a read-only text field.