Edit information on a case
Add or remove case parties
You can add one or more contacts to a case as case parties.
Add a party to a case
- On the case detail page, open the Parties tab from the detail tabs.
- Click
Add to display the Add contact references form.
- In the Add contact references form, specify your search criteria in one or more of the following ways:
- Enter a text in the Free text field.
- Define the scope of your search under Search in.
- Click Advanced search and enter additional search criteria.
- If you enter multiple search criteria, an Or search will be performed using the OR operator by default.
- Switching back from Advanced search to Simple Search will automatically delete any additional search criteria that you have inserted.
- Click Search.
- Double-click the contacts you want to add.
- Select a role in the Role field.
- Click Save.
The contact you have viewed most recently will appear at the top of the search result list.
Tip: You can configure which columns are displayed in the search result list. Right-click on a column to select the columns to display.
Remove a party from a case
- On the case detail page, open the Parties tab from the detail tabs.
- Select the check box next to the parties that you want to remove.
- Click
Add parties to and remove parties from multiple cases
You can add parties to or remove parties from multiple cases at once.
- In the Navigation pane > Cases panel on the Home tab, select a case list.
- In the case list, select all cases you want to add parties to or remove parties from and click
Edit > Parties to open the Edit parties form.
- In the Edit parties form:
- In the Type field, select a type to filter the contacts to be added or removed.1
- In the Party role field, select a role to filter the contacts to be added or removed.1
- In the Party field, select the name / ID of the contact to the added or removed.
- In the Edit button
- Select Add to add the contact to the cases selected in the list.
- Select Remove to remove the contact to the cases selected in the list.
- In the Confirm form, click Yes to confirm the changes and close the form.
1 You do not need to filter the contacts by type or role, but filtering can help you select the contact to add or remove by reducing the list of contacts in the Party field.
Add or change the primary party
You can add a primary party during case creation by selecting a contact from the contact list. You can change the contact assigned as the primary party later if you need to.
Prerequisite: A user who has the CONFIGADM access code must add the Primary party field to the case detail page.
The user must configure the field by selecting by selecting Advanced properties in the Primary party field to display the Set default party values form and then select the relevant party role from the drop-down list in the Party Role field.
The user can also select the contact types that can selected as the primary party by adding various contact types from the drop-down list in the Type field.
Party role and, optionally, Type in the Set default party values form.
A system administrator can set the primary field to be mandatory and define any default field values when adding the field to the case detail page.

You can only add a primary party to a case during case creation and the Primary party field must be displayed in the case detail page and configured to accept user-based entries. See Prerequisites above.
During creation of a case you want to add a primary party to, in the case detail page, select a contact in the Primary party field and click Save when you are finished creating the case to save your changes.
If you forget to add a primary party to the case, you can change the primary party later.

You change the primary party of an existing case but the Primary party field must be displayed in the case detail page and configured to accept user-based entries. See Prerequisites above.
- Locate and open the case you want to change the primary party of.
- On the case detail page, click
Change > Primary party to open the Edit Primary party form1.
- In the Edit Primary party form > Primary party field, select the new primary party from the contact list.
- Click Save and then Yes in the Confirm dialog to save your changes and close the form.
1The Primary party menu option is only accessible if the Primary party field is displayed in the case detail page.
Edit case party role
- On the case detail page, open the Parties tab from the detail tabs.
- Select one or more parties to edit the role for and click
Edit to open the Edit party role form.
- In the Edit party role form, select a different party role in the Party role field.
- Click
Add or remove case documents
A case document is a document saved on a particular case. You can save different types of documents on a case and remove them later.
Add a new case document
When you create a new document from the case detail page, this document automatically becomes a case document on the case.
- Open the detail page of a case to which you want to add a new case document.
- Create a new document.
- Click
Refresh if the document does not appear immediately.
You can create several types of documents.
Remove a case document from a case
- On the case detail page, open the Documents tab from the detail tabs.
- Select a case document that you want to remove from this case, and then click Move.
Add or remove parent or child cases
You can add an existing case to another as either a child case or as a parent case and in this fashion, create a hierarchy of inter-related cases.
Add a parent or a child case
- Open the detail page of the case you want to add a parent or a child case to.
- From the detail tabs, select the Child cases tab to add a child case or Parent cases tab to add a parent case1.
- On the detail tab, click
Add to open the Add child case references form.
- In the Add child case references form, locate the case you want to add by defining search criteria in one or more of the following ways:
- Enter a text in the Free text field.
- Define the scope of your search under Search in.
- Click Advanced search and enter additional search criteria.
- Click Search to display cases that fit you search criteria. If the wrong cases are displayed, try editing your search criteria.
- In the left pane, select the cases you want to add and then click the right arrow to add them to the right pane. You can also double-click each individual case to add it the right pane. Finally you can select all the cases in the left
- Click Save to add all cases in the right pane as either child cases or parent cases.
Switching back from Advanced search to Simple Search will automatically delete any additional search criteria that you have inserted.
1If the Child cases or Parent cases detail tabs are not displayed in the detail ribbon, you can display them, see Manage tabs
If necessary, click Refresh to update the contents of the tab.
Remove a parent or a child case
- Open the detail page of a case you want to remove a parent or a child case from.
- From the detail tabs, select the Child cases tab to remove a child case or Parent cases tab to remove a parent case1.
- On the Child cases or Parent cases tab, depending on what you want to remove, select the cases you want to remove.
- Click
Remove to remove the selected cases.
If necessary, click Refresh to update the contents of the tab.
Add or remove case references
A case reference is a link to another case that may be relevant to the case handling of the current case. For example, case references could be cases that may affect making principle decisions.
Add a case reference
- Open the detail page of a case to which you want to add a reference.
- From the detail tabs, open the Case references tab.
- Click
Add to open the Add case references form.
- In the Add case references form, specify your search criteria in one or more of the following ways:
- Enter a text in the Free text field.
- Define the scope of your search under Search in.
- Click Advanced search and enter additional search criteria.
- Click Search.
- Double-click the cases that you want to add.
- Click Save.
Switching back from Advanced search to Simple Search will automatically delete any additional search criteria that you have inserted.
Remove a case reference
- Open the detail page of a case from which you want to remove a case reference.
- From the detail tabs, open the Case references tab.
- Select the case references that you want to remove.
- Click
Add or remove keywords
You can use keywords, for example for classification and retrieval of cases.
- Open the detail page of a case to which you want to add or remove a keyword.
- Do one of the following:
- To add a keyword: enter a keyword in the Keywords field.
- To remove a keyword: delete a keyword in the Keywords field.
- Click
- If your organization uses a dictionary, you can only select keywords from this dictionary. If you enter words that are not in the dictionary, you will get an error message when you try to save.
- If your organization does not use a dictionary, you can create your own keywords.
Add or remove document references
A document reference is a link to another document that may be relevant to the current case handling.
Add a document reference
- Open the detail page of a case to which you want to add a document reference.
- From the detail tabs, open the Document references tab.
- Click
Add to open the Add document references form.
- In the Add document references form, specify your search criteria in one or more of the following ways:
- Enter a text in the Free text field.
- Define the scope of your search under Search in.
- Click Advanced search and enter additional search criteria.
- Click Search.
- Double-click the documents that you want to add.
- Click Save.
Switching back from Advanced search to Simple Search will automatically delete any additional search criteria that you have inserted.
The document you have viewed most recently will appear at the top of the search result list.
Remove a document reference
- Open the detail page of a document from which you want to remove a document reference.
- From the detail tabs, open the Document references tab.
- Select the document references that you want to remove.
- Click
Add, edit or remove information
The information you can add to a case is determined by your organization.
An item of information consists of two parts:
- An Information type field – the name or type of the information, for example Error.
- An Information value field, which can be used, for example, to register the specific type of error.
Add information
- Open the detail page of a case to which you want to add information.
- From the detail tabs, open the Information tab.
- Click
Add to display the Add information form.
- In the Add information form, select the Information type and fill in the Information value field.
- Click Save.
Edit information
- Open the detail page of a case where you want to edit information.
- From the detail tabs, open the Information tab.
- Double-click the information item that you want to edit to display the Edit information form.
- In the Edit information form, make your changes and click Save.
Remove information
- Open the detail page of a case where you want to remove information.
- From the detail tabs, open the Information tab.
- Select the information items that you want to remove.
- Click
- Click Yes in the confirmation dialog box.
Add and remove information to multiple cases
You can add or remove information types and values to multiple cases at once by selecting the cases in the Navigation pane and clicking the Edit > Information to select which information type and value you want to add or remove.
See Edit multiple items in a list for more information.
Add, edit or remove dates
The dates you can add to a case are determined by your organization.
A date item consists of two parts:
- A Date type - the name or type of the date, for example, Error is registered.
- A Date field.
Add a date
- Open the detail page of a case to which you want to add a date.
- From the detail tabs, open the Dates tab.
- Click
Add to open the Add date form.
- In the Add date form, select the Date type and fill in the Date field.
- Click Save.
Edit date
- Open the detail page of a case to which you want to edit a date.
- From the detail tabs, open the Dates tab.
- Double-click the date that you want to edit to display the Edit date form.
- In the Edit date form, make your changes and click Save.
Remove date
- Open the detail page of a case from which you want to remove a date.
- From the detail tabs, open the Dates tab.
- Select the dates that you want to remove.
- Click
Remove to open the Confirm dialog.
- Click Yes.
Add and remove date types to multiple cases
You can add or remove date types and values to multiple cases at once by selecting the cases in the Navigation pane and clicking the Edit > Date to select which date type and value you want to add or remove.
See Edit multiple items in a list for more information.
Add, edit, or remove reminders
The reminders you can add to a case are determined by your organization.
Add reminder
- Open the detail page of a case to which you want to add a reminder.
- From the detail tabs, open the Reminders tab.
- Click
Add to open the Add reminder form.
- In the Add reminder form, for the following fields:
- Date - type or select the date using the calendar.
- Reminder for - select a recipient of the reminder.
- Reminder type - select a reminder type.
- Reminder closed - select P, Closed to close the reminder.
Closed reminders will not appear in your search results if you search for reminders. - Reminder text - enter the reminder text (optional).
- Click Save.
Edit reminder
- Open the detail page of a case to which you want to edit a reminder.
- From the detail tabs, open the Reminders tab.
- Double-click the reminder that you want to edit to display the Edit reminder form.
- In the Edit reminder form, make your changes and click Save.
Remove reminder
- Open the detail page of a case from which you want to remove a reminder.
- From the detail tabs, open the Reminders tab.
- Select the reminders that you want to remove.
- Click
Remove to open the Confirm dialog.
- In the Confirm dialog, click Yes.
Assign or remove read access to a case
You can assign or remove read access to cases for employees and groups.
When you assign an access restriction on a case, the restriction applies to all the case documents by default. Only users who are members of one of the groups with read access will be able to access the case, document, or contact, as well as to its documents or contacts.
Inheritance of case access rights
There are important functional differences between inheriting access rights from the case and manually assigning the same access rights as the case to the document.
- Inheriting case access rights: If the document inherits access rights from the case, users must be assigned all the same access rights as the case as well as any specifically assigned access rights to the document in order to access the document.
- Manually assigning identical case access rights to the document: If the document is manually assigned the exact same access rights as the case in the Read access and Write access fields, users need only be assigned one of the access rights (case or document) to access the document.
For WorkZone Content Server, Standard edition

- On the Case detail page, click the
icon in the Read access field to open the Edit read access form.
- In the Edit read access form > Search in field, select the filter to apply to the access codes:
- All access codes: All access codes are available.
- Term access codes: Only Term access codes are available.
- Organizational access codes: Only Organizational access codes are available.
- In the Access code field, enter the name of the access code to locate the specific access code you want to assign to the case.
Click the Access code field to open a complete list of the available access codes. In the list, select the code you want to assign to the case. - Click the Apply button to assign the selected access codes to the case.

- On the Case detail page, click the
icon in the Read access field to open the Edit read access form.
- In the Edit read access form, click the X next to the employee or group you want to remove read access from.
- Click the Apply button to apply your changes to the case.
For WorkZone Content Server, Corporate edition

- On the Case detail page, click the
icon in the Read access field to open the Edit read access form.
- In the Edit read access form, click the Create new access code button to display the Term access code and Organizational access code mandatory fields.
- In the Term access code field, enter the name of the Term access code to locate the specific access code you want to assign to the case.
Click the Term access code field to open a complete list of the available access codes. In the list, select the code you want to assign to the case. - In the Organizational access code field, enter the name of the access code to locate the specific access code you want to assign to the case.
Click the Organizational access code field to open a complete list of the available access codes. In the list, select the code you want to assign to the case. - Repeat steps 2 to 4 to create a new access code group to assign to the case if required.
- Click the Apply button to assign the selected access codes to the case.

- On the Case detail page, click the
icon in the Read access field to open the Edit read access form.
- In the Edit read access form > Access code field, click the X next to the value in the Term access code or Organization access code fields to remove the access code.
You can also remove an entire access code group by clicking the X in the upper right-hand corner of the access code group. - Click the Apply button to apply your changes to the case.
See Access codes for more information
Assign or remove write access to a case
You can assign or remove write access to cases for employees and groups.
When you assign an access restriction on a case, the restriction applies to all the case documents by default. Only users who are members of one of the groups with write access will be able to edit and update information on the case, document, or contact, as well as to its documents or contacts.
Important: You must always have write access to the cases, documents or contacts for which you define write access.
Important: Always assign write access to yourself. If you do not, your changes to the write access cannot be saved.
Tip: Display a list of all users registered with read or write access on the case by displaying the Users with read access and Users with write access detail tabs on the case detail page.
For WorkZone Content Server, Standard edition

- On the Case detail page, click the
icon in the Write access field to open the Edit write access form.
- In the Edit write access form > Search in field, select the filter to apply to the access codes:
- All access codes: All access codes are available.
- Term access codes: Only Term access codes are available.
- Organizational access codes: Only Organizational access codes are available.
- In the Access code field, enter the name of the access code to locate the specific access code you want to assign to the case.
Click the Access code field to open a complete list of the available access codes. In the list, select the code you want to assign to the case. - Click the Apply button to assign the selected access codes to the case.

- On the Case detail page, click the
icon in the Write access field to open the Edit write access form.
- In the Edit write access form> Access code field, click the X next to the value to remove the access code.
- Click the Apply button to apply your changes to the case.
For WorkZone Content Server, Corporate edition

- On the Case detail page, click the
icon in the write access field to open the Edit write access form.
- In the Edit write access form, click the Create new access code button to display the Term access code and Organizational access code mandatory fields.
- In the Term access code field, enter the name of the Term access code to locate the specific access code you want to assign to the case.
Click the Term access code field to open a complete list of the available access codes. In the list, select the code you want to assign to the case. - In the Organizational access code field, enter the name of the access code to locate the specific access code you want to assign to the case.
Click the Organizational access code field to open a complete list of the available access codes. In the list, select the code you want to assign to the case. - Repeat steps 2 to 4 to create a new access code group to assign to the case if required.
- Click the Apply button to assign the selected access codes to the case.

- On the Case detail page, click the
icon in the Write access field to open the Edit write access form.
- In the Edit write access form > Access code field, click the X next to the value in the Term access code or Organization access code fields to remove the access code.
You can also remove an entire access code group by clicking the X in the upper right-hand corner of the access code group. - Click the Apply button to apply your changes to the case.
See Access codes for more information
Create and manage custom document tabs
You can create custom tabs so that you can select specific documents on a case and view them in a separate list. For example, if you want to view only Word documents on a case, you can create a custom tab, and you will then always have a quick access to Word documents. Apart from custom tab, WorkZone Client also creates a saved search that is available in My lists on the Navigation pane.
- Custom tabs are only available for the document lists on the case detail pages.
- A custom tab that you create on a case will be available on cases that have the same case category. If you make changes to a custom tab on a case, you will see these changes on the other cases too.
- If you rename, edit, or remove a custom tab, related saved search in My lists will not be affected. This also works vice versa.
- To share a custom tab when you distribute a configuration, you must permit sharing of the related saved search lists. See how to Manage saved search lists
Create a custom tab
Please read how to create and configure a custom tab in the Save a search as a custom detail tab section.
Change a case category
If the new case category has been set up to display fewer or other fields than the old case category, these fields will no longer be displayed in the Case detail page and a user cannot enter new data in these fields. The data contained in the now-hidden fields will not be deleted and if the old case category is reinstated on the case, the fields will be displayed once more, with the original data.

- Open the case detail page.
- In the ribbon, click
Change > Category and select a new case category.
- In the Confirm dialog, click Yes to change the case category.

- In the Navigation pane on the Home tab, click Cases and select the case list you want to open.
- In the list area, select all the cases you want to change the case category for.
- In the Main ribbon, click Edit > Case Category to open the Edit case category form1.
- In the Edit case category form., select the new case category and click Save to open theConfirm dialog.
- In the Confirm dialog, click Yes to change the case category of the selected cases.
1If the Case category option is not available in the Edit menu, you can customize the ribbon and add the Case category to the Edit menu. For more information, see Ribbons

Standard cases do not contain a value in the Case category field. When you clear a case category, the case will revert to a Standard case. You cannot clear the case category for multiple cases.
- Open the case detail page.
- In the ribbon, click
Change > Category and select Standard.
- In the Confirm dialog, click Yes to clear the case category and change the case to a Standard case.
Tip: For a better overview of your cases and their categories, add the Case category column to the case list.
For more information, see Add / Remove columns in a list.