Custom icons assignments

Prerequisite: To view, create, and edit custom icon assignments, you must have the CONFIGADM access code.

Custom icons assignments allow you visually group or differentiate the WorkZone items, that you work with, according to your needs. For example, you can use specific icons or icon colors to mark the WorkZone items that require urgent handling, or are related to a particular project, or have any other common factor you want to highlight.

After adding custom icons, you can configure where and when they will be used. That is, you can assign the icon to a certain entity type (case, contact, document, and so on) and specify the start and end dates when it should be used. You can narrow down the icon's usage even further by adding specific conditions when this icon must or must not be used in WorkZone Client. Conditions can define existing entities of the selected property as Equals, Does not equal, Contains, Starts with, Ends with and support the following values: @Me, @Unit@Authority, @Day, @Week, @Month, @Quarter, @Year. For the @Day value you can use numeric modifiers with + and -. For example: @Day+1 (tomorrow), @Day-1 (yesterday), @Day+2m (two months in the future), @Day-3y (three years in the past), and so on.

  • You can combine several conditions for the same icon, as long as they do not contradict each other.
  • If several icons match the same condition (or several conditions), the icon with the highest number of matching conditions will be used.
  • Assignment criteria must be unique - you cannot use the same set of conditions for different icons, or assign the same icon to different entities without providing different conditions.
  • Icons with no conditions in their assignments will be used as default icons for the selected entity type (displayed on widget headers, preview headers, and so on).
  • The standard WorkZone installation provides a number of predefined icons (for example, icons for a locked case or contact). These are called system icons. You cannot delete a system icon or select another icon file for it. You can, however, deactivate a system icon by setting its End date to a past date, and assigning another icon to be used for the same entity type.