WorkZone Teams

  • The WorkZone Teams app is currently only supported on WorkZone Cloud Edition.
  • Your organization must use Azure AD in order to use Microsoft Teams with WorkZone.
  • You must have the WorkZone Teams application installed and configured. See Install WorkZone Teams.

WorkZone Teams app allows you to work with WorkZone directly from Microsoft Teams. Using WorkZone Teams, you can add WorkZone cases as custom tabs to Microsoft Teams and collaborate on them directly from your Teams channels or private chats.

  • You can add up to 16 WorkZone cases as custom tabs in Teams. Each tab will display the selected WorkZone case and all of its documents, including their most important details, such as document ID, title, type, and state.

Add WorkZone tab to the Teams chat or channel

Note: Only team owners and members can add new tabs to a channel or a chat.
  1. In Teams, open a channel or a private chat.
  2. On the navigation ribbon of this channel or chat, click Add a tab +.
  3. In the Add a tab dialog, select WorkZone Teams from the list of available custom tabs.
  4. In the WorkZone Teams dialog, provide your WorkZone server address, select the WorkZone case to add as a custom tab, and click Save.
    Tip: You can select a WorkZone case from the drop-list or search for it (the search covers only your most recently used cases) by typing relevant search criteria.

    The selected WorkZone case will appear on this Teams channel or chat as a custom tab. You can rename it as needed (this name change will apply only to the selected custom tab in Teams, it will not affect the case title in WorkZone).

    Tip: Click the case title at the top of the WorkZone tab to open this case in WorkZone Client.

Configure columns displayed for a case

You can select which columns to display and adjust their width and order for each case opened in the custom WorkZone tab. You can display different columns for each WorkZone custom tab. Your custom column settings are stored locally in the browser, so they will disappear if you use a different browser or clear the browsing data.

  1. In Teams, open the relevant WorkZone custom tab.
  2. In the top right corner of the case title, click . The Column settings dialog with the list of all available columns is then displayed.
  3. Add, remove, resize, or reorder the columns as needed.
    • Select the check box next to the column title, and then click the relevant arrow to move this column from Available columns to Current columns, or vice versa.
    • Note: The Title column is always visible and cannot be removed.
    • Reorder the currently displayed columns by dragging and dropping them to the needed location in the Current columns pane.
    • Resize the currently displayed columns by specifying their new width (in pixels) in the Width field next to the column title in the Current columns pane.
  4. Click Save to save your changes (or Cancel to discard your changes, or Reset - to restore the default column configuration).

Open a case document

You can open the case documents displayed in the custom WorkZone tabs directly from Teams. You can open these documents in the corresponding Office app (for Word, Excel, and PowerPoint documents) or in WorkZone Client.

  1. In Teams, open the relevant WorkZone custom tab.
  2. To the right from a document you want to open, click ... (or right-click in the area close to ...).
  3. Here you have two options:
    • Click Open, to open the document in the corresponding Office app (for Word, Excel, and PowerPoint documents).
    • click Open in WorkZone, to open the document in WorkZone Client.

Edit document details

You can edit the title or state for case documents displayed in the custom WorkZone tabs in Teams.

Edit document title

  1. In Teams, open the relevant WorkZone custom tab.
  2. Right-click the document title that you want to edit, and click Change.


    Hover the mouse on the existing document title, and click ... next to it. Then click Change.
  3. In the following dialog, enter the new title, then click Save.

Edit document state

  1. In Teams, open the relevant WorkZone custom tab.
  2. Right-click the document state that you want to edit, and click Change.


    Hover the mouse on the existing document state, and click ... next to it. Then click Change.
  3. In the following dialog, select the new state, then click Save.

Recycle an existing document


  • To delete an archived document that has a record number, you must have the SOFTDELETE access code. Note that any user can delete an archived document that is saved on the desktop case or belongs to the SJ-TEMP case group.
  • Any user can delete a document with the Personal draft, Draft or Locked document state.

You can recycle (that is, soft delete) an existing case document that is displayed in the custom WorkZone tabs in Teams. The recycled document and all of its supplementary documents (if any) will be moved to the recycle bin. It will disappear from the regular lists, but will not be removed from the database, so you can restore it or hard delete it later, if needed. See Delete a document into recycle bin in the WorkZone Client User Guide for more information about the recycle functionality.

  1. In Teams, open the needed WorkZone custom tab.
  2. Next to a document you want to recycle, click ... (or right-click in the area close to ...).
  3. Select Recycle.
  4. For documents, where it is mandatory to provide a reason for recycling, select the Recycle reason from the droplist and provide the Recycle comment (this step may be optional or mandatory, depending on the retention policy).
  5. Click Yes in the confirmation dialog.  The selected document and all of its supplementary documents (if any) will be moved to the recycle bin.

Add a new case document

You can add new documents to a WorkZone case, which is already displayed as a custom tab in Teams. You can either create a new Word, Excel, or PowerPoint document and then save it on the case displayed in Teams, or to upload one or more of the existing documents from your file system.

Add a new Word, Excel, or PowerPoint document

  1. In Teams, open the needed WorkZone custom tab.
  2. Click New.
  3. From the drop-list, select the needed document type (Word, Excel or PowerPoint). A new document of the selected type is then opened.
  4. Edit your document.
  5. Click Save.
    Tip: By default, your new document will be saved on the case from the selected WorkZone custom tab, but you can choose to save it on another case, if needed.

Upload a new document from the file system

  1. In Teams, open the needed WorkZone custom tab.
  2. Click Upload.
  3. In the displayed dialog, select the document (or multiple documents) that you want to upload, and click Open.


    Drag and drop the needed files from the file system to the WorkZone case tab in Teams.


    • You can drag and drop the whole folder to upload all the documents it contains.
    • All documents uploaded from the file system will get the DOK type and inherit the classification from the case. You can change them in WorkZone Client, if needed.