Access codes

The table below provides an overview of access codes and what they give access to. Usually the mandatory system access codes are created by script, but if they do not exist in your Active Directory, you must created them manually.

The WorkZone Content Server operates with three different types of access codes:

  • Employee access code (associated with each user from Active Directory)
  • Unit access code (associated with each Organizational unit from Active Directory)
  • Group access code.

If your organization opted for an installation that utilizes the Corporate Access Code System (CACS), then all cases and documents are created with an access code string of a minimum of two access codes: an organizational access code and a group access code.

Access code Usage More information


  • Create or modify units.
  • Assign organizational units as delegates on behalf of other users or units.


A corporate system access code.

If the Corporate configuration is chosen, then the Access Code field of cases and documents must never be left blank. Therefore, all objects of the system that should be visible to all users must have the ALLEEMNER access code. This is a system access code that all users of the Corporate configuration must be members of.


WorkZone Client:

  • Configure and distribute WorkZone Client configurations.
  • Edit templates for reports.

WorkZone Configurator:

Configure settings of: 

  • WorkZone PDF Crawler
  • WorkZone PDF Engine
  • WorkZone Explorer
  • WorkZone for Office

Configure the following additional settings:

  • Import and export WorkZone configurations
  • Custom types (requires also DATAADM)
  • Custom type fields
  • Document draft version
  • Office Online Server
  • Chat settings



WorkZone Configurator:

Configure the following:

  • Case number format
  • Classification scheme (case groups)
  • Contact types (requires also CONFIGADM)
  • Countries and postcodes
  • Custom droplists
  • Custom fields
  • Date types
  • Default retention policy
  • Dictionary and keywords
  • Document classification
  • External databases
  • Facets
  • Information types
  • Import WorkZone configurations (requires also CONFIGADM)
  • Note types
  • Parties and references
  • Reason for document deletion
  • Security group rights
  • Subnumbers and subnumber types
  • Supported file types
  • Validation rules


WorkZone Client:

  • Move an archived document from one case to another. Moving an archived document to another case is logged and traceable.


WorkZone Configuration Management:

  • Use of trace log


Call WorkZone Content Server Open WSI and gain access from a third party system. The system user of the third-party system is the member.

The FESD_WS access code is an externally used system access code and not part of the Content Management module.



Enable and disable WorkZone features and modules in the WorkZone Configurator.


WorkZone Client:

Edit the Hidden Dashboard list. The Hidden Items menu group contains the following sub-menus:

  • Cases
  • Documents
  • Contacts

Prerequisite: Users must have the * access code to display, open and edit the displayed hidden items.


Displays the Mass dispatch process in the Process menu in WorkZone Client and allows users to start a new mass dispatch.


Allows users to send the documents using the Mass dispatch process.


  • Create or modify employees.
  • Assign departmental access codes to other users (you must also have the AFDADM and STJERNEADM access codes and the WorkZone Corporate Edition installed).


WorkZone Client:

  • View and edit up to 500 list items on a page.
    Users that are not assigned the MULTIEDIT access code can view and edit up to 50 list items on a page.


Set up and configure the OAUTH2 framework for WorkZone connectivity.



WorkZone Configurator:

  • Define general Process settings
  • Configure processes, service workflows, and case activities
  • Access process logs.

WorkZone Process:

  • Unlock a task locked by another user.

WorkZone Configuration Management:

  • State (CM)


WorkZone Client:

  • Change the retention policy on a case.

WorkZone Configurator:

  • Set up and maintain retention policies.


WorkZone Configurator:

  • Generate a new token that can be pasted into the Azure Active Directory Enterprise Application.
  • Revoke all existing tokens.


WorkZone Client:

  • Send cases and archived documents to the recycle bin.
  • Restore cases and archived documents from the recycle bin.
  • Delete cases and documents permanently if you have access code associated with the case's or document's retention policy.


WorkZone Process:

  • Displays the Advanced submission (Extended) process in the Process menu in WorkZone Client and WorkZone for Office, and allows users to start advanced submissions.
  • Create, delete and edit templates for advanced submissions.


WorkZone Configurator:

Grant other users global access (requires having also the MEDARBADM access code) or departmental access (requires having also the MEDARBADM access code and the WorkZone Corporate Edition installed).

  • Global access: Grant users full access (read, write and delete rights) to all items within the entire organization.
  • Departmental access: Grant users full access (read, write and delete rights) to all items within the department the user is a member of.

Important: Global and departmental access allow users view and edit items (cases, documents, contacts, meetings or actor sequences) protected by security access codes that the user is not a part of.

Global and departmental access are extensive rights that will allow the user to access sensitive information. Assign these rights only when needed.



WorkZone Process:

  • Create templates for standard letters used by SmartPost.


Set up and maintain the Terms module.


Gives rights and access to these modules in WorkZone Configuration Management:

  • Owner

Access and configure in WorkZone Configurator:

  • Users
  • Use Logs
  • Deletion Logs


WorkZone Configurator:

  • Configure the use log settings and deletion log settings.