Fixed bugs in KMD WorkZone 2022.2

Documentation: Rebuild an index topic in Operations Guide updated

Bug number SRITM0765627
Description The instructions for rebuilding an index were incorrect, specifically noting that the index would automatically be dropped when rebuilding.
Correction Rebuilding an index will not drop the index and the documentation has been updated to reflect this.

Mass Dispatch: Error checking e-Boks subscription status of CVR recipients

Bug number ALM 125
Description If a mass dispatch message was sent to a CVR company as the recipient, an error message saying that the company was not subscribed to e-Boks was received. Sending a standard SmartPost message to the same CVR company via NgDP resulted in a successful dispatch. The issue was caused by an error in the procedure that checks for subscription status of CVR recipients.
Correction The procedure now checks the correct field in the reply from NgDP.

Mass Dispatch: Mismatching error messages in validation report and history document

Bug number ALM 135
Description The error message displayed when a recipient was not subscribed to Digital Post was not user-friendly and did not sufficiently describe the issue at hand.
Correction The Mass dispatch history document has been updated to display a more user-friendly error message when a recipient is not subscribed to Digital Post. The error message displayed is “One or more recipients are not subscribed”/"En eller flere modtagere er ikke tilmeldt".

Mass Dispatch: The Mass Dispatch history document (CSV file) lacks information

Bug number ALM 176
Description The "ShipmentState" column in the Mass Dispatch history document (CSV file) is empty. Correction The report definition for the Mass Dispatch history document (CSV file) referred to the ShipmentState column, which is not printable because it is a complex type. This has been fixed in WorkZone Process.
Correction Fixed

Mass Dispatch: The validation of the recipient list fails when adding a merge field to letter

Bug number ALM 186
Description When starting a Mass dispatch process after adding a merge field to the letter and updating the Contacts.Schema sheet accordingly, the validation of the recipient list fails due to empty cells in the Contacts.Schema sheet.
Correction Empty cells in schema sheets are now supported. This has been fixed in WorkZone Mass Dispatch.

PDF: Cannot render HTML files

Bug number INC3944842
Description Multiple errors were erroneously logged when generating a PDF document of a Microsoft Outlook email message containing images.”
Correction Now, generation of PDF documents of Microsoft Outlook email message containing images will not trigger multiple error messages if an error occurs.

Process: The Process owner column is sorted differently in the All active list

Bug number INC 676706
Description Sorting on the Process owner column works differently compared to other columns in the All active list.
Correction Fixed

Process: Ensure that certificate is used in all calls to the e-Boks push service

Bug number ALM 107
Description Certificates were not used in all calls to the e-boks push service.
Correction The issue has been resolved by introducing method level access control in the e-Boks push service. It is now possible to control access to the web service for external and internal methods. External methods are methods that are called by NgDP, and internal methods are methods that are called by WorkZone server-side modules. See "Install and configure WorkZone e-Boks Push Service" in the WorkZone Installation Guide.

SmartPost: PUSH model - e-Boks material prefix has no text separator

Bug number ALM 173
Description WorkZone Process (e-Boks push service) did not have a text separator for the title.
Correction WorkZone Process (e-Boks push service) now supports adding single or double quotes around the title prefix. If the title prefix is "<prefix> " , then the full title of the sent documents will be <prefix> (without the quotes) <title>, for example if you type "Test " in the Optional title prefix on shipped messages filed in WorkZone Configurator, the title will be Test <Title>. This means you can use spaces as a text separator in the title.