About CPR Lookup using KMD Logic

The CPR Lookup using KMD Logic module is a WorkZone application module that manages the import of CPR contact data from the Danish CPR-Office into the WorkZone database, much like the CPR Integration module. The CPR Lookup module accesses CPR data from the Datafordeler, using KMD Logic as an intermediary.

The CPR Lookup module is intended for public-sector WorkZone Cloud Edition customers but can used for on-premise public-sector WorkZone installations instead of the CPR Integration module.

Important: The CPR Lookup using KMD Logic module can currently only be used by Danish public-sector owned companies and administrations, including ministries, municipalities and other public organizations, institutions and boards.

CRP Lookup vs. CPR Integration

While many of the functions are similar, the CPR Lookup module is not identical to the CPR Integration module.

The CPR Lookup module can be used for both cloud and on-premises WorkZone installations, but the CPR Integration module can only be used for WorkZone on-premises installations. If your organization is running on WorkZone Cloud Edition, you must use CPR Lookup to import your CPR contacts in WorkZone.

The setup and configuration of the two similar modules is also different. CPR Integration is set up within WorkZone while CPR Lookup requires set up of several services outside WorkZone.

The functionality of both modules is however identical for WorkZone users.

Dedicated driver

The CPR Lookup module uses a special dedicated CPR driver. The CPR Lookup driver is also installed by default when installing WorkZone but is not enabled for use.

Only CPR contacts

Only CPR contacts (NAME_TYPE C) are automatically updated, all other contact types are not updated by the CPR Lookup module.

Configure and enable

The CPR Lookup module is part of the initial WorkZone installation but must be configured and enabled before use. The feature is disabled by default after the initial installation of WorkZone. Successfully configuring the CPR KMD Logic connection will automatically enable the CPR Lookup module.

Once the CPR Lookup module has been enabled, all CPR contacts are updated with the newest data from the Danish CPR Office.

CPR Datafordeler and KMD Logic

CPR data is imported from the Danish CPR-Office's CPR Datafordeler, but the CPR Lookup module does not connect directly to the CPR Datafordeler. Instead, the CPR Lookup module utilizes the KMD Logic platform to connect to the CPR Datafordeler as well as to manage the connection and filter the CPR data imports.

The use of the KMD Logic platform and CPR Datafordeler are currently both free of charge but in both cases, an account must be created and the subscription or connection must be configured correctly to import CPR data into WorkZone. A valid CPR certificate is also required to identify and validate the WorkZone connection.