Configure connection to CVR Online


You must have access to the Operation module in WorkZone Configuration Management.

Your AD Active Directory profile must contain the system access code DATAADM.

  1. Open WorkZone Configuration Management.
  2. Click Operation > External Sources.
  3. In the External Sources module, select CVR-J in the Name column.
  4. In the Parameters column, you enter the following string in the CVR-J row:
  5. Level:<0>, UserID:<UserID>,Password:<Password>, Certificate:<Certificate name>, Certificatefilename=<Certificate file name>, Assembly=Scanjour.CVRDriver,Class=Scanjour.ImportManager.CVRDriver;Jtype=J;Ptype=V;ForceUpdate=J
  6. Click in the cell and enter the following changes:
  • Replace <0> with the value 1, 2, or 3 according to the Access level of information covered by the CVR agreement.
  • Replace <UserID> with the username provided by CVR Online.
  • Replace <Password> with the password provided by CVR.
  • Use the Certificate parameter if the certificate is located in a Windows Certificate Store, specify the certificate file name in <Certificate name> and remove the entire Certificatefilename parameter.
  • Use the Certificatefilename parameter if the certificate is located in the C:\ProgramFiles (x86)\KMD\WorkZone\Certificates folder, specify the certificate file name in <Certificate file name> and remove the entire Certificate parameter.
  1. Click in another cell and then click Database > Save to save the changes. The connection between WorkZone Content Server and CVR Online is now defined.